Do you think the genres/tags(of stories) you read or look for, reflects who you are as a person? I've been wondering about this for a long time and it kinda bothers me.
Thank you for entertaining my question! (⌒▽⌒)
I think it depends sometimes. Like, yaoi, for example. Don't know what that really reflects, but there's some really messed up ones out there that people enjoy.
Shoujo could be for the people who really want to find love or like sweet fluffy things, drama could be those who find it realistic and therefore could help them in real life?
I don't know, but I don't think it reflects 100% about the kind of person you are. It could maybe reveal what kind of things you like, or kinks you could have, like bdsm.
Sometimes it can also reveal who you are on the inside, like some subconscious thing. If you're into harems, maybe you want a whole bunch of people liking you. So sometimes it can reveal who you are, sometimes not.
Sorry if this was confusing!
Did matchamango drop this? I love reading the little notes and comments at the end. And i love matcha too
Not sure, and the stand-in translator doesn't know either (if I remember one of her earlier comments right).
Matchamango did mention that they might drop this coz official translations officially launched. I really miss their translations too, it's pretty clean and the little notes were not overbearing (some groups seem to have a lot of drama lol)