it's weird how they portray as someone very smart but he seems to make a lot of mistakes ?
i'm not smart enough to know how to not do them but i feel like it's possible
whenever he's moving he doesn't seem to care much about cameras, having an alibi, or disguising himself at all
he seems to take a lot of risk
i mean when he was following sakamoto and misumi in the taxi, he was being plain obvious
also, he was talking to misumi in a 'disguise' but misumi didn't recognize him at all ? meh
also, i don't know a lot about criminals, but the author portrays those criminals as the absolute worst pieces of trash ever. all of them. like how could they not fake, even a little bit, being not such douchebags (understatement obv)
it seems so white and black to me. how sakamoto was like ehhehehehhhh i wish i fucking hurt her more
like why would he say that to a random stranger
i guess i'm used to mangas with extremely smart characters that always surprise me. so it's a bit surprising to find a guy that's a bit more 'usual'/'basic'
yeah ! so he did baba, why was he in such a rush to kill sakamoto that he had to expose himself a bit and seem suspicious to people ? and then he killed him when he knew there was a camera. i'm sure he would have found a way to get to him eventually without showing himself so much
he was acting super weird with okeda and misumi, i get that he's trying to get clues, but does he think they're stupid ? that they won't ever get it ? he's being so careless
it was about a high school kind of depressive quiet dude (has a siscon) that met (on a bridge in the rain) a blonde haired girl with a black bowtie/tie/knot in her hair ? that has some kind of power related to an indian god (some kind of reincarnation or vessel)
turns out he is the reincarnation of asura too
they start fighting other high school students that are the reincarnation of other gods
hes super protective of his sister cause when they were young she almost died (theres something about a bridge) protecting him and i think she had a disability because of that accident (was she blind?) and their parents resent him for that so he lives with his grandma
his sister is the reincarnation of shiva and saves him in the end
and we find out he had already met that blonde girl when they were young but he forgot, he used to be much brighter and was the one who gave her the ribbon
I'm looking for an old manga I read ages ago so pretty blurry
but a high school guy got "asura" like power ? the void ?
different students got different god but his sister was Shiva?
and he was a siscon because his sister almost died in an accident
he lived separately from his parents because they blamed him for that accident
there was something with abridge and that s where he met a blondie who was the reincarnation of a Indian god too, she has a ribbon and used to dye her hair black but he changed her and made her realize she doesnt need to be ashamed of who she is
ohh flamaires here now (if that's her name)
i'm so used to her in the other manga, it's a bit weird how she's presented as a new character here