Aine created a topic of Serious Joke

He did get confessed, but he rejected him.

Hyung is in his 3rd year and will need to prepare for the exam. He didn't want hyung to disturb hyung's important time.

Aine created a topic of Drick's Heat

"Oh, no plot just sex? Okay."
"Oh there's a plot. Okay."

Aine created a topic of On To You

I want to glasses dude to face the reality and that old man to get his own karma. Like damn those two are so annoying af, but I personally want to beat that glasses dude for being so damn stubborn.

"You didn't listen to me!" Yeah say that to yourself. You deaf or something? He clearly told you since day one that he didn't want to, he told you the truth but you don't listen. What's the use of your brain if you can't think why he did that? You act like his boss but my oh my you don't have any ability to analize everything.

Oh my God how I wish I can punch that guy whenever he talk shit to Doha

Aine created a topic of A Trace Of Margins

While I'm glad Narye treat Seoyo right in the modern time, still there's nothing improved related to his character. Yes he became gentle only because he has to or he will see Seoyo run away from him for the 10th time.

What made me dissatisfied is because he hasn't get his own karma. I won't say him seeing Seoyo run away from him in those 9 reincarnations as karma because he acted the same.

I want him to taste it himself. A badly one, if possible. He needs to understand just how deep and serious Seoyo's trauma is.

If you guys worked at a c-level guide, I don't think anyone will send a high level spy to your place..........................

Aine created a topic of Regas

Let's prepare some tissues

Aine created a topic of When The Yakuza Falls Inlove

What a confidence you have there, sir. Show up out of nowhere and told someone who actually interacting with other people 'are you actually stalking me?' is just too ridiculous lmao

Aine created a topic of The World’S Best Engineer

That's.... honestly a smart move. There's a problem within a community that normally only an outsider who will realize it. By having someone unrelated to the habit/tradition mention the problem and the future risk, people will usually become self-conscious of what they have been doing (tho the usual case is they will also deny it as nothing wrong).

Lloyd did pay that kid some money but the result is amazing. Tho he always acted silly but it's scenes like this that always remind me that this guy is actually a genius, not just as an engineer but also socially great.

Aine created a topic of Cozy Obsession

No sir, he's a total newbie in this whole situation









Reading the raws and seems like Jasper's.... mom? approached Taisei and kind of threatened him (sorry I don't understand Chinese). And Jasper found out about that.

Not long after that, a girl from their school came to them and kinda approached Jasper and Taisei. Idk what happen but Japser and that girl got closer while Taisei got jealous? Or maybe something else happened? Idk.

But in ch.15, Taisei didn't want to be near the girl who talked closely to him and unconsciously pushed the girl behind-- where there's a stairs, causing her to fell down. Jasper saw that and seemed like he either asked or blamed Taisei for that.

Taisei who feel pressured with how the other students stared at him like a bad guy, holding his tears and ran away.... BUT, in the last scene, his hand looks like going to disappear....

So maybe if Taisei didn't get to be Jasper's lover, he will disappear from that world? That's what I thought, not sure tho.

Aine created a topic of Left Fluke Public School

Rape aside (since it's clear that he would do that since the 1st chapter), I think that blonde guy is....... either something like a demon who has a power to hide everything but the uke was the only one who knows but maybe the other guy erased his memory?

Or there will be a plot twist.... rather than the bed scene, I'm more curious with the mystery of their dormmate's murder itself.

Aine created a topic of Stranger

Actually......... I don't think him running away as a bad thing. That boy need to meet different kind of people with different situation beside the uke and his past 'family'. It will actually help him think clearer. This whole time he always thought himself as a nobody who suddenly getting loved by an older man, but never a different kind of care.

He need to experience how to be cared by someone. That way, he will also learn how to care someone in the right way.

Btw, don't worry. They will meet again.

Aine created a topic of Merry Marbling

For real, Ian's mom made me worried like she will say something bad unconsciously.

Aine created a topic of An Uncomfortable Truth

This totally a perfect story that showing the high risk of someone who suffered from getting abused during childhood and not getting therapy to heal themselves.

I'm really sad to see how Jaeha died, and how in the end no one is able to heal Yoseob.

Both Yoseob and Jaeha are victims from their past experiences. The saddest part is, no one is totally in fault but at the same time no one is absolutely blameless.

It's understandable how bad Taeoh's feelings towards the whole situations. Like really, you can't say what he did to Jaeha as a mere children's fight, Jaeha had to get traumatic experience twice, leading him to looking for someone who will stand up for him (Yoseob), and making Yoseob's did his first attempt after Taeoh threw water to Jaeha.

Maybe, just maybe, if nothing like that happened, who knows that everything will be so different.

Now that Jaeha is gone and Yoseob is in most likely mental health hospital, he, as the one who remains alive--nothing changed much from his life except losing his friend, will have to take the guilt forever.

Aine created a topic of Profundis

We have to admit that only the main seme who act gentle toward the uke compred to the other 3 semes.

At least he is rarely hurt the uke physically.... but he hurt his feelings several times tho.

There are a lot of things I want to say... but seriously? Queen? Are you that stupid...?

Aine created a topic of The S-Classes That I Raised

Huh, did Yoohyun originally change how he call Yoojin? I mean in the newest chapter, he called him 'Yoojin' not 'Brother'

Aine created a topic of Night of London

It'll be funny if the vampire doesn't get his revenge because the snow is pregnant with his baby.

And pretty sure the vampire has no relation with the death kids, I mean he knows what it feel to be left alone as a kid, idk I think he won't do anything related to kids.

Aine created a topic of The Stranger in the Mirror

Wtf you hate the robots but open your eyes, your damn lover is the culprit!

"I killed the human him, he is now a robot. I got my revenge already."

What kind of logic it that?? You are worse than your subordinate, you date the criminal, the main culprit, the killer of you teammates!

And now you want to make him get fired so he won't be a danger towards your fucking lover?? Are you insane??

Aine created a topic of Cozy Obsession

100% sure his original bestfriend is in love with him as well.

Actually I'm not gonna surprise if his bestfriend is the one who write the novel though!