Aine created a topic of Weather Forecast Killer

This is painful because no one is wrong nor right.

Hyung realized that both of them shared the same feelings (sadly the seme didn't realize that). But the situation won't allow the seme to act as he likes since his position is a much higher being and do something 'selfish' will give hyung the real danger.

I can't imagine what will happen tbh

Aine created a topic of Regas


Aine created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

It's okay, Sihyeon. Isu deserved that.

Aine created a topic of The World’S Best Engineer

"Mom how did you and father get married?"
"Your damn father lied to a dragon and I was forced to lie as well."

Aine created a topic of Night of the Unmarked

Who the fck won't get shocked when you are in a total panick and alone in a damn scary place then suddenly something tapped your shoulder!!!???

Aine created a topic of Vesper

I don't understand a thing-

Aine created a topic of Merry Marbling

I get what he didn't think it's fair tho. I mean, he is the only one who was there for doing his responsibility as a club member, while mi-rye came for a holiday. It's like showing off, since he also wanted to meet and have a great holiday with mi-rye too

Aine created a topic of The S-Classes That I Raised

Yoojin be like 'Dear brother I know you lost your memories but don't say something nonsense!'

Aine created a topic of Salty Lust









Just read the latest raw chapters using Google Lens, not all of them tho.

So apparently Nux has died for several times already and Owen used a power to bring him back to the past! I saw a chapter where Owen visited Nux who looked lifeless, maybe it's from one of the past after he left and Nux got depressed.

Nux met the black bob haired Owen and got attacked, idk the reason since I didn't translate that part, but the clear part is he wanted to shot the already bleeding Nux (his head to be exact) and Nux told him to kill him but don't bring him back to the past again.

The long haired Owen looks like didn't like the black bob Owen too.

Hopefully someone can explain the whole thing for me to really understand what's going on I have to screenshot the raws to be translated using Google Lens

Aine created a topic of I Like Your Pheromones

Just when will they fall in love to each other.... can't wait, they are too cute

Aine created a topic of Hidamari ga Kikoeru

No sir why in the world you talked as if there's nothing happenef and not apologizing for your first word to your abandoned son?

Aine created a topic of Left Fluke Public School

I think I'll stop reading this for a while. I'm dying to know and understand everything in this story.

Aine created a topic of The Falling Merman

What the heck with holding wedding ceremony without actual marriage?? Holding a ceremony and actual marriage is totally different, dumbass.

I know you are not entirely a good person but you saying that is actually a really rude act, more than the first one to your partner's feelings!

Hopefully something happen that will make him realize that uke is too good for him to let go!

Idk if I want to smack Jeonghan's father girst for being annoying
Or mc first for being so thick-headed

Aine created a topic of In The Deep

Eeeerrrr so it was like, that hentai when the uke was forced to bear a monster's child in their stomach?

Aine created a topic of Monochrome Rumor






Since I don't read the novel, it's just my theory... tho I wish someone who read it will give me spoilers.

1. Lemegeton members kept talking about how new!Sihyeon sleep longer than usual after the accident. Idk what came on my mind is that indeed it might be the case. Because Lee Hajin was said to keep working which means he's not the sleepy head type, while Sihyeon's image os always being so tense near someone. So what makes sense is the accident maybe affecting his health. I mean, Sihyeon is an idol, but after Hajin entered the body, he felt that the body is too weak. So..... yeah.

2. Daejun's act to new!Sihyeon is kinda complicated. While it does look like he's in love with Hajin, but there's part of him that actually doesn't feel like that, more like a loyalty? Since Daejun knows Hajin's past and how he actually wished for him to get free from their situation. So him acting that way after knowing Sihyeon is Hajin is actually understandable, but at the same time it's kinda unclear if it's still a loyalty or love.

3. Lee Sanyu (the pink haired guy) is most likely in love with Sihyeon, but kept it unknown since Sihyeon was clearly not in comfortable relationship with his group. I guess him openly showing his feelings towards Sihyeon is because the current Sihyeon doesn't avoid anyone. Who knows what will happen. And also he kept saying 'tell me first if something happen' is most likely due to Sihyeon realized Sanyu acting weird in the past and actually get helped by this event, so him realizing Sihyeon's change from a gentle person to be a really sensitive one but didn't know anything (except maybe he heard some things including sponsor thing) but couldn't help him until Sihyeon's 'real death' might hive him his own trauma.

4. Yu Chan and Seo Rajun's feelings towards Lee Sihyeon is love. But idk, Rajun's act towarsa Sihyeon sometimes looked like facing his own saviour, but sometimes he looked like really in love hmm. Yu Chan is definitely in live with Sihyeon tho, he's the first one to openly touching Sihyeon to the point even Hajin didn't know how to act or face Chan when he's like that. But what made Chan feeling like that to Sihyeon except him knowing Sihyeon's getting tensed, scared and unable to relax in the past when they were in the same room? And last, for Uihyeon, rather than him loving Sihyeon, it's more like a brotherly one + heavy guilt (I kept thinking about it since Chan said that everyone felt jealous including him when they heard Sihyeon has Isu's number). We know that Uihyeon was really harsh towards Sihyeon in the past for doing things that made the group's image to be bad, but knowing only Sihyeon needed money for who knows whatever it is for since Sihyeon himself didn't explain nor asked for help to the members, and one day he came home late only to be found by Uihyeon to hurting himself??? Of course he felt heavy. No wonder Uihyeon cried the most when they got notified about Sihyeon's 'death'.

5. That blonde guy from the junior group in their agency is maybe in love with Sihyeon. He knew what happened to Sihyeon and maybe knows people related to him just like the CEO. But it's unclear if he is one of people who genuinely wants to set Sihyeon's free.

6. Yun Isu until the latest chapter only shows that he's interested in the current Sihyeon. Seeing the flashbacks, I think he wasn't one of those people who sexual harassed Sihyeon, as if he was happened to be there, that's why he asked whether Sihyeon wanted his help or not (which I think that's unnecessary.... like, the moment he saw Sihyeon looked uncomfortable and scared, he should just helped him already). Since it's stated in the story that Sihyeon wanted to be saved, no wonder Hajin said that it's better to act nothing happened than being there but not doing anything. Hajin not wanting to get close to Isu is completely understandable. I mean, who knows if things will be changed to be a better one for Sihyeon if only Isu did help him.

So far that's what I've been thinking all this time, and hopefully in the next season, the story will focus on who's the one to mess Sihyeon's life, which one who harassed him, which one who's truly in love with Sihyeon and will help him to be really free in the end. For now, I don't think showing the real ML will improve anything. Sihyeon's situation is really complicated and still full of mystery. I prefer to understand Sihyeon's problems and conflicts first before moving to the romance (especially what caused him to have his phobia as well)

Aine created a topic of Don’t Say You Love Me

I guess that shrine is connected to everything that happened to both of them...? Him sleeping there made him-- or maybe his sould to go back to the future (with unknown situation if wei yun has died or not from the accident-- because the neighbor said wei yun's family has moved to other place)<--- actually I forgot if he died due to the accident or just got into accident but survived

Aine created a topic of An Abyss

?? I wouldn't want someone who clearly shows their dislike to my lover to be my lifelong doctor. Lou has any right to get angry to Kennard for not realizing that that girl is being rude to him.

Can't wait to see the next chapter because seeinh the spoiler. Devon you go ma'am, teach her how to act properly!