Bruh all the other comments saying his friend did the right thing. I wouldn't even call them a friend, it seems like eunjoon is obsessed badly with our main boy (reading ahead with the raws even tho I can't read korean but oml its definitely not a normal friendship where a normal friend would just be concerned with what's happening but it seems like eunjoons doing it for his own selfish reasons like keeping our homebody to himself in the so called "real world") don't know what part the sister plays but I'm looking forward to actually finding out what the hell is actually happening.

I couldn't agree more with dohu!, having a shaved head feels so refreshing and nice and really addicting to run your hand on for some reason.

Also love his current hair cut I vibe with his reasons so much and he looks so cute with it too!!
Plss these two are so cute as well, I hope nothing bad happens cause I know Juheon's Mum is def gonna be coming into play maybe next season with all the foreshadowing about her.
Its gonna hurt I just know it