Nyanya July 8, 2021 11:57 am

Miss my babies

Nyanya July 6, 2021 4:24 pm

Chapter 38 passed ages ago but I am still laughing over omiomi's actions

Nyanya July 5, 2021 7:52 am

This is so interesting

Nyanya June 27, 2021 12:50 pm

Which chapter did inumaki loose his hands at?

    Shiaa June 30, 2021 3:32 pm

    Its in the other manga the jujutsu kaisen one, inumaki lost his arm at the shibuya arc at chapter 137

    Sam July 7, 2021 12:31 pm
    Its in the other manga the jujutsu kaisen one, inumaki lost his arm at the shibuya arc at chapter 137 Shiaa

    Hey is anywhere mentioned how gojo killed geto? And what he did with his dead body?

    Shiaa July 7, 2021 3:17 pm
    Hey is anywhere mentioned how gojo killed geto? And what he did with his dead body? Sam

    I don't really remember it being mentioned as far as i know (i mostly forgot some scene in the manga) when gojou saw geto he didn't really chase him. Im not sure if im right

Nyanya June 20, 2021 2:10 pm

I should have expected this since I have read all the other works of the author but its been a long time since I read it so I forgot the artsyle and I only realised it afterwards so that was a total surprise

Nyanya June 17, 2021 5:35 pm

This series is soooooo fucking annoying. Idk where to even start from so let me say the things I like since there are less of them. And the rest are something I absolutely hate about this story. Things I liked:


    Xiao June 17, 2021 6:27 pm

    Then dont read it? ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Nyanya June 17, 2021 6:30 pm
    Then dont read it? ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ Xiao

    I am not anymore. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Nyanya June 17, 2021 12:45 pm

Raws anyone??

Nyanya June 17, 2021 6:24 am

If someone needs the raws


Nyanya June 17, 2021 3:37 am

Ok maybe its only me but its a bit uncomfortable to see everyone in your neighborhood gay. Like Ik its fiction and this is not the first time a Japanese series have this trope of multiple couple buy still those serieses weren't on the serious side so I was okay with it but when a series like this has so many gay couples in it the fun of reading the first story is absolutely shattered because it feels so unrealistic. Its almost like as long two boys know eachother for a long time they will start dating.

Also I realized this just now that except for the main couple all the other two couples have really possessive seme. Specially Sizu. Like Hiragi just confessed and he is already being banged. WTF, is sex the only thing that comes on your mind when someone confesses to you? What about your partner's feelings? I don't get why you people think this is wild and cute and hot or whatever. I guess everyone have their own opinions after all. But still my view of the strory has totally changed and I don't think I can keep on reading...

    Jingerlattae June 17, 2021 3:43 am

    Actually as a queer person, it’s quite realistic to have most of ur friends in ur friend group to be queer or gay bc usually u attract or are attracted maybe subconsciously and why is it uncomfortable to have a lot of gay people? That seems a bit uh homophobic to me like if u wanted a straight romance story, just read like 10 million stories already made lol

    and I agree with ur last paragraph that sex shouldn’t be rushed into especially w someone u like/ love

    mots June 17, 2021 3:45 am

    the first paragraph screams homphobic

    stef-kun June 17, 2021 3:51 am

    Hello! This reply is just to start up a conversation but, they’re teenagers and I’m pretty sure that Hiragi knew what Shizu was insinuating when he said he wanted him. Hiragi saying that he was okay with it was basically him consenting and to many people, although not all people feel this way, many people see sexual actions as a way to process emotions or show complex emotions as it’s more easier to get feelings across since you tend to be more vulnerable. The fact that the author focused on their stares even though they were having sexual interactions is kind of evidence that the point of those panels isn’t just the sex, but the symbolism and deeper meaning of longing for someone and “hunger,” which Shizu says himself. I see it as trying to represent romantic loneliness and touch starvation.

    To speak upon your other point. It’s totally not unrealistic to have so many gay people around each other. Usually, you stick to people who are like you or support you. It’s also common for LGBTQ+ people to be around each other without knowing. My entire friend group ending up being LGBTQ+. Gay people aren’t rare, they’re just hiding due to stigma and discrimination. Also, if your enjoyment of the story ends because there’s “too many gay people,” I really don’t know if the BL genre is for you…

    Anyway, this was just to spark up conversation and interpretation. Like you said, everyone has their own opinion and I just thought I could go ahead and share mine.

    /general /neutral

    Pau June 17, 2021 4:05 am

    why would it be uncomfortable to "see everyone in your neighborhood gay"? Do you feel the same discomfort about straight childhood-friends-turned-couples in fiction and real life?

    nicole nico nii June 17, 2021 4:23 am

    this screams i’m a homophobe but i fetishize gay men

    Nyanya June 17, 2021 4:29 am

    First of all as a Bisexual person myself If zi was homophobic then I would have died by now.

    demente.lucida June 17, 2021 4:29 am

    As a lesbian, i can assure you, that all my friends are gay, and were gay when i was 15. That's the way gay people function. Maybe, for heteros, they know one or two, but for us ... I think this history is vere realistic in that aspect.
    Is also true, that all the gays works together, in the same company and doing the same staff, even if it's not related to art. I work as a lawyer, and i work with 4 other queer lawyers. The people has to know? Well, most of the time, no, because, we are normal people working.

    dani June 17, 2021 4:30 am

    reread ur first paragraph bruh process what u just said

    dani June 17, 2021 4:35 am
    Hello! This reply is just to start up a conversation but, they’re teenagers and I’m pretty sure that Hiragi knew what Shizu was insinuating when he said he wanted him. Hiragi saying that he was okay with it... stef-kun

    ur so segsi and smart WAHHH

    ang June 17, 2021 4:36 am

    i wanted to say why is it the norm that fiction tagged as bl should have only one mlm couple and for it to look realistic it need to have the rest as straight? well it might be bc you're not used to seeing it irl but there could very much be a lot of people around who aren't straight but cannot come out bc being straight is awfully the "norm". and it definitely doesn't feel like unserious seeing a lot of gay couples in fictions with well written dynamics.

    plus the thing about possessive seme akihiko literally sexually assaulted haruki despite him regretting and asking for forgiveness still doesn't make me comfortable:/ but for shizusumis case however he has held it in for so long thinking hiiragi might not feel tge same like him. also he really felt like the odd one out and that hiiragi loved yuuki and rn when he offered to help ue complete yuukis song shizu took it as hiiragis way to feel connected to yuuki but its not that hiiragi loves yuuki but as a person admired him and that he had nothing to do with the world where mafuyu and yuuki were, but he was happy enough to look over them next to shizu. but both of them has never communicated and they dont know what the other feels like. hiiragi just had a realization that the way ue looks at mafuyu now is like how yuuki looked at mafuyu and it was nothing grand but genuinely simply being in love. it is also how hiiragi looked at shizu but never talked it out and it was like he wanted shizu to understand without them talking it out but shizu always felt lonely without being said that. it was always shizusumi following hiiragi around bc he wanted to let hiiragi do what he wanted and was happy seeing him happy but when hiiragi confessed shizu was very much puzzled and he felt like confirming if its in a romantic plus sexual way like it is for couples. not everything needs to be sexual YES but hiiragi himself said he understands what shizusumi means and said that he wants everything if its shizu bc few chapters back when hiiragi first confessed shizu had said he'll be always there for hiiragi and will comply by any boundaries hiiragi sets. and rn when hiiragi himself says he wants everything if it shizu so shizu shows him how desperate he is his love for hiiragi only after hiiragi allowed him.

    Nyanya June 17, 2021 4:38 am

    Maybe I phrased wrong way? What I mean was literally everyone in the manga were ending up together. There is absolutely nothing wrong with haveing many gay people around you. But is their such a coincidence that you will run into gay people all the time including your friends and senior in band? The first line indeed sounded a bit homophobic I only realised that after posting it. but my point is how can it be so coencidental? Idk I have never seen a Bi or Gay or Lesbian person around me before? It is it normal to run into my kind and I was just not paying attention up until now?

    Jingerlattae June 17, 2021 4:40 am
    First of all as a Bisexual person myself If zi was homophobic then I would have died by now. Nyanya

    I don’t know If you’ve noticed but u can be homophobic and be a homophobe/ fetishize gay people at the same time. As well as gay people can be biphobic.

    Idk what u mean if u were homophobic u would die? What does that even mean?

    Jingerlattae June 17, 2021 4:40 am
    I don’t know If you’ve noticed but u can be homophobic and be a homophobe/ fetishize gay people at the same time. As well as gay people can be biphobic. Idk what u mean if u were homophobic u would die? Wha... Jingerlattae

    *bisexual and a homophobe at the same time

    Jingerlattae June 17, 2021 4:41 am
    Maybe I phrased wrong way? What I mean was literally everyone in the manga were ending up together. There is absolutely nothing wrong with haveing many gay people around you. But is their such a coincidence tha... Nyanya

    Omg so sorry I didn’t read this yet lol

    Nyanya June 17, 2021 4:42 am
    *bisexual and a homophobe at the same time Jingerlattae

    (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 sure then I die with selfharered ig?

    Nyanya June 17, 2021 4:47 am
    I don’t know If you’ve noticed but u can be homophobic and be a homophobe/ fetishize gay people at the same time. As well as gay people can be biphobic. Idk what u mean if u were homophobic u would die? Wha... Jingerlattae

    I have a girlfriend for fucks shake. So stop calling me homophobic. And don't start with so what if you have a girlfriend you can also be homophobic. And what I mean was being a bi and being homophobic that will literally make me hate myself. And not the literal meaning of death. Stop being se sensitive.

    Jingerlattae June 17, 2021 4:48 am
    Maybe I phrased wrong way? What I mean was literally everyone in the manga were ending up together. There is absolutely nothing wrong with haveing many gay people around you. But is their such a coincidence tha... Nyanya

    Yeah I can see how the phrasing really put u in a bad position.

    In my experience, I am an animation/art major and I guess since we are more expressive w our sexualities and identities , most of us are part of the lgbt community and since most of us hang out a lot , some groups have majority of queer people. So there can be a coincidence? For ur situation maybe people are more closeted or shy or it’s shunned open so it could not be that common for u . However, it’s not good to label someone bc there’s queer people everywhere and shouldn’t be locked into a stereotype.

    When I came out tk my friends in college , they came out to me as well so that’s how I knew. So if u want to have a community, I would say start by being proud of urself and trust ur friends and then maybe you’ll find other queer people :)

    Jingerlattae June 17, 2021 4:52 am
    I have a girlfriend for fucks shake. So stop calling me homophobic. And don't start with so what if you have a girlfriend you can also be homophobic. And what I mean was being a bi and being homophobic that wi... Nyanya

    Um idk why ur being rude and really defensive. Ur calling me sensitive yet ur kind of being dramatic lol. Um when I said u can be bisexual and homophobic at the same time, I meant in general, it doesn’t have to apply to u. Being bisexual doesn’t shield u from criticism or any of that. It’s the same as u can be gay or transphobic and Vice versa :/. Obviously ur question was just worded badly unfortunately so most of us took it the wrong way cause it seemed ignorant and sounded like someone who fetishizes gay people. Obviously not the case now but yeah

    getl0st June 17, 2021 4:53 am
    ur so segsi and smart WAHHH dani


    Nyanya June 17, 2021 4:59 am
    Um idk why ur being rude and really defensive. Ur calling me sensitive yet ur kind of being dramatic lol. Um when I said u can be bisexual and homophobic at the same time, I meant in general, it doesn’t have ... Jingerlattae

    (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ yup I totally pharsed it wrong. As for the part where I said I am Bi I wasn't trying to say it's okay for me to say stuff like that but rather as a Bisexual person being homophobic seems quite unreasonable? Though ig it did kind of sound like an excuse....

    Jingerlattae June 17, 2021 5:07 am
    (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ yup I totally pharsed it wrong. As for the part where I said I am Bi I wasn't trying to say it's okay for me to say stuff like that but rather as a Bisexual person being homophobic seems qui... Nyanya

    Ah sorry I see your point , maybe i should’ve said like mm ignorant or something like that not homophobic

    Nyanya June 17, 2021 5:34 am
    Yeah I can see how the phrasing really put u in a bad position. In my experience, I am an animation/art major and I guess since we are more expressive w our sexualities and identities , most of us are part of t... Jingerlattae

    I have came out to a few of my friends but none of them shares the same sexual orientation as me or anything such short. They were really excepting though. Also majority of my friends are streight. I don't wanna label someone with their sexual orientation but it would be nice to have someone to talk about these things openly. Maybe I haven't met as many people in life yet?

    Nyanya June 17, 2021 5:58 am
    Hello! This reply is just to start up a conversation but, they’re teenagers and I’m pretty sure that Hiragi knew what Shizu was insinuating when he said he wanted him. Hiragi saying that he was okay with it... stef-kun

    Yes you are right it's totally okay for people to have different opinion about a certain thing. And in this case my opinion is also totally a personal. What made the scene a bit unacceptable for me is how only Sizu is the only one with that hunger of longing. Why does it seem like Hiragi is just keeping up with him doesn't he also long for Sizu? So why does he look so unwilling? Probably because its way too sudden right? Not to mention He just confessed and no matter what kind of world fire you have in your heart is it still okay for you to go like that for your first time? But in the end Hiragi excepts this so probably that solves the problem of him not being forced, as "he is willing" but none the less I don't like this kind of possessiveness from only the seme's side. Not only this series BTW.

    Jingerlattae June 17, 2021 5:40 pm
    I have came out to a few of my friends but none of them shares the same sexual orientation as me or anything such short. They were really excepting though. Also majority of my friends are streight. I don't wann... Nyanya

    Yeah I get that, maybe sometimes u have to actively look for queer people maybe in a school club etc or keep a look out but it’s not weird to have not many queer people around u but it’s also not Weird to have a lot of queer people around u too.

    Mm u can also try to create a community from here too like ask in the comment section of any story here if lgbt people want to have like a group chat and talk about mangas or sexuality etc :D

    Nyanya June 17, 2021 6:20 pm
    Yeah I get that, maybe sometimes u have to actively look for queer people maybe in a school club etc or keep a look out but it’s not weird to have not many queer people around u but it’s also not Weird to h... Jingerlattae

    That's a nice idea. But more than online I kinda wanted friends irl. Still its worth a try

    stef-kun June 18, 2021 3:27 pm
    ur so segsi and smart WAHHH dani

    No, YOU are!


    bishounensupremacy June 18, 2021 3:56 pm

    you absolutely do have a point though. in most bl manga when the main couple ends up together the author makes everyone gay in an attempt to make the story longer. like, the childhood friends of the main couple? they're gay and had a crush on each other for years now. these guys who sits next to them in class? they're also gay and have been secretly making out. the two people who bullied the main characters? they meet and fall in love with each other. these random dudes who have absolutely no significance in the story? they're also gay and now the whole focus is gonna shift to them for 40 chapters. there's absolutely nothing wrong with featuring a straight/lesbian couple AND a gay couple in a story yet somehow the only relationships that can get a proper focus has to be between two guys. and why is that? because that's what the target audience is interested in. it feels weird and fetishizing.

Nyanya June 16, 2021 3:03 pm

TF is this shitty story doing in my reading list?? Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

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