Ash created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I am not trying to shaming the author but I still feel like we got a lot of stuff left that are unresolved so it would have been nice to get side stories, not only bc of that but so we can see how both of them act now that they r together in a relationship and in much better place

Ash created a topic of Sketch

their sex scenes are always so hot

Ash created a topic of Sketch

this will sound dumb but cant they just change the title of the manhwa??

Ash created a topic of Nerd Project

lord thank you for this meal

I hate when authors make a weird ass time jump onlt to make the story longer

Ash created a topic of Jinx

this story gotta be nominated for the worst storytelling award

Ash created a topic of Ten Count

I was excited to find out there's an yaoi manga ab a mc who has severe case of contamination ocd, as I also struggle a bit with it, at the start the story was fine but as time went on I really grew to the just confused what the authors intentions were with the story, I don't think they wanted to accurately represent ocd and how debilitating it can be like yea sure we see how the mc struggles with touching things, how chapped his hands are from constantly cleaning them, but the whole bit with his backstory and the love interest threw me off , yea sure it was realased in 2013 so maybe the author just didn't had as much knowledge on ocd as for example now.. but it seems they wanted to do this story not for the sake of accurate representation.. if you decide to do a story ab a real life debilitating disorder you have to be knowledgeable about it

Ash created a topic of Lucky Paradise
Ash created a topic of Alien In My Closet

OK this might be one of the cutest yaois I read so far, even tho the mc is into kinkier stuff it's still pretty tame for me not to mention both of the live interests are so nice <3 I do feel bad for the second one and wish he got someone else than me but still very cutesy very demure manhwa

Ash created a topic of Nerd Project

it's been a year daddy...

Ash created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

this is one of the stories where the characters shouldnt end up together unless they decide to work on themselfs period, they are both clearly mentally unwell not to mention Cirrus has been through such traumatic childhood it premanetly fucked him up, they both need to separator and work on getting healthy but even then I dont really see them being in a healthy fullfiling relationship bc of both of their personalities ( esp bc its seem like Cirrus has some sort of bpd and even thought the person with that disorder can be happy in a relationship and with medications its still extremly hard)

Ash created a topic of Wolf In The House

wow that woman is pure evil , idk how can she participate in selling women whem she herself is one

Ash created a topic of When the Killer Falls in Love

hope there will be side stories so we can see the main couple be cute and freaky together

Ash created a topic of Our Sunny Days

girl tf u mean ordinary i will give u an ordinary beating in yo head

I will kill that period blood hair looking ass man

Ash created a topic of Work Love Balance

so the sterotypes ab blondes being dumb are true LMAOO