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Taurine created a topic of Backlight

Haeyool IS being exploited.
Prostitution is rampant in the South Korean entertainment industry, which has resulted in actors and idols taking their own lives, as they can no longer cope with being raped, sexually exploited usually on the orders of their management. Work place bullying, nepotism and sex work is hardly unheard of in SK, but "sponsorships" are one of those open secrets where basically the wealthy influential men and women are untouchable, and if the actor or idol wants to secure work or pay of the massive debt that is occurred from them trying to debut or maintain their career from their management, then they have limited choice. A wealthy or influential person can provide, but on the grounds that there is a return, which is usually sex.
Never heard about metoo movement and Harvey Weinstein's "casting couch" practices? It all started from the rumours about soliciting sexual favors from a job applicant in exchange for employment that circulated in Hollywood for years.
The practice of soliciting sexual favors from a job applicant in exchange for employment in the entertainment industry, primarily acting roles. The practice is illegal in the States for example.
So saying he is no victim and not being exploited... Is at least questionable.
Every worker who is coerced into sex is automatically a victim and being exploited. It's illegal practice in many countries and it's shocking some people still don't understand it.
People who say that he doesn't act as if he wanted the man out of his life clearly don't understand the reality of SK's industry world. He would be finished in the industry. He would be showed as unreliable client and blacklisted automatically.

We saw ourselves in chapter 19 how the sMitTen uncle/sponsor treated him so well, he just assaulted him casually because he was jealous and would rape him if MC didn't intervene.

On the other hand Seo-in would be a perfect example of nepobaby.

Also can we stop with the shallow view that a victim has to be a perfect saint who doesn't do any wrong to be recognized as one? Cycle of abuse anyone? He was manipulating Yeongwoon to gain sympathy, to get him to like him... no one is pretending otherwise. Still it looks like he is being mistreated and abused too. These two things can coexist perfectly well alongside.
And no one is saying he should end up with MC too.
Or that he won't take a turn for the worse in the future.

The thing that irks me to no end is putting Haeyool and Seo-in - possessive, obsessive sexual offender and stalker (with strong family connections in the industry), someone who is sabotaging someone else's career because he knows that person likes Yeongwoon.... in the same bag. By no means, Haeyool is no saint and he was acting manipulative but to put these two together as if their misdeeds were on the same level is just unfair at least at this point in the story.