Terry January 1, 2021 10:12 pm

I love how some readers pretend that Seungho is still a redeemable character and if he will show Nakyum the bare minimum of humanity everything is alright.

    BAKAAJ January 1, 2021 11:48 pm


    inkcollector January 1, 2021 11:53 pm

    I love how some people think sick people doesn't deserve a chance to heal

    Terry January 2, 2021 12:00 am
    I love how some people think sick people doesn't deserve a chance to heal inkcollector

    Are u for real? Personal trips over fictional characters and generalisations taken from thin air?

    We are talking about killer, abuser and rapist, who doesn't respect anyone. There are some things which shouldn't be forgiven and overlooked.

    Nakyum is his victim. There is nothing at this point he can do to redeem himself enough to creat relationship with NK.

    inkcollector January 2, 2021 1:06 am
    Are u for real? Personal trips over fictional characters and generalisations taken from thin air? We are talking about killer, abuser and rapist, who doesn't respect anyone. There are some things which shouldn'... Terry

    I'm so sorry that you took it personally, perhaps I did word it badly.
    Redemption is relative though, isn't it?
    I don't believe SH doesn't deserve to heal and find happiness. Of course, you're right, what he did can't be overlooked. And just the bare minimum wouldn't be enough. But why can't it be a story about a twisted personality who turned his life around?
    Or I should say two individuals, because NK needs to heal just as much, if not more.

    Terry January 2, 2021 10:01 am
    I'm so sorry that you took it personally, perhaps I did word it badly.Redemption is relative though, isn't it?I don't believe SH doesn't deserve to heal and find happiness. Of course, you're right, what he did ... inkcollector

    Imo it would be a naive, unrealistic fairy tail how love healed a horrible man with severe mental issues and with tragic past.

    Seungho can have some development. I'm not denying him the chance to change on some level. But just not with someone he wronged on such astronomical level? Their love story would be totally unbelievable and grotesque after everything that happened between them.
    What Seungho represents doesn't even look like love (tbh there wasn't even a one meaningful conversation (not monologue) between them through the whole story)...more like some obsession. You just don't treat someone you supposedly love like that.

    And imo after what we have seen, SH changing in 180 degree would be a just unrealistic. After what we have seen (his repetitive violent actions) tbh any bigger change would be rather unbelievable.

    All in all I don't find the writing of this story so good at this point. It had potential but author chose never ending rape (and sex) scenes instead of plotline. There are so many interesting threads but the main focus is on nearly the same scenes over and over again.

    inkcollector January 2, 2021 11:29 am
    Imo it would be a naive, unrealistic fairy tail how love healed a horrible man with severe mental issues and with tragic past.Seungho can have some development. I'm not denying him the chance to change on some ... Terry

    Wait, what are you expecting to happen then other than the unrealistic fairy tail? Because I can see one of the two scenarios here, either Nakyum gets out and be free from all the torture and suffering, or he chooses to stay with SH despite everything, and then maybe from there they can actually start caring for each other, however toxic and twisted the beginning was.

    I agree that SH's action is really despicable right now. Especially after that confession, everyone must have high hopes that he would finally do the right thing for once, and we're all so pissed that he didn't. But I'm starting to think maybe if he did a flip there, that would actually be more unrealistic, given the nature of his character and his current relationship with NK. And he hasn't even confronted his trauma yet.

    As for author's emphasis on the lengthy sex scenes? It's a commercial decision. I've seen too many authors do it that it's not surprising anymore. Does it cheapen the story? Yeah, at least for me. But authors gotta make a living and sadly this is what sells. And if you want plot other than sex, you just have to wait longer to get it.

    Terry January 2, 2021 12:00 pm
    Wait, what are you expecting to happen then other than the unrealistic fairy tail? Because I can see one of the two scenarios here, either Nakyum gets out and be free from all the torture and suffering, or he c... inkcollector

    I would probably prefer anything beside the "romance" between them. It's the most unrealistic, unhealthy and FOR ME distasteful, boring ending we've seen time after time in BL stories (although with his actions SH can compete with the worst MLs out there).

    Oh I would cackle if SH had a mind-blowing flip but still the "supposed character development" everyone wants to see so much is cosmetic at this point.

    Tbh I've seen many complaints from both English and Korean fans about the scratched to the maximum sex scenes but idk if it had any reflection on actual sales.

    inkcollector January 2, 2021 1:37 pm
    I would probably prefer anything beside the "romance" between them. It's the most unrealistic, unhealthy and FOR ME distasteful, boring ending we've seen time after time in BL stories (although with his actions... Terry

    If they can face their traumas before getting to the romance bit that'd be ideal. But that'd also be too much of a madeup story, at least for me.

    This is a very slow burn. I guess we either like the pace or we don't.

    Yeah well, as long as the demand is there, the smut will always a big chunk of the story. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Terry December 25, 2020 1:45 pm

Are there ANY limits to Seungho's horrible, disgusting behaviour? Not only he raped NK for n-hundred time, he continued in front of someone else. And Mr Kim is like a father figure, the only one who genuinely cares about SH and he kept going. Imagine the disrespect. I'm amazed people can still find excuses for this man.

    Hana December 25, 2020 1:48 pm

    Exactly that scene was the last straw for me??? what was the point? it's just beyond disgusting. I think that the author is doing everything to make us hate him and is counting on his past story to excuse it all.

    Natsumi_ December 25, 2020 5:00 pm

    I'm amazed people can find excuses for this shitty comic tbh
    People paying attention to details that don't even matter (the footprints on the snow first, then the bruises etc.). Don't anyone see how bad the author is? She is lucky her art is good, if not no one would care about this bad KS copy (and yes, KS was toxic but superior, Koogi never spent three fucking chapters of rape, for example)

    Terry December 26, 2020 10:32 am
    I'm amazed people can find excuses for this shitty comic tbhPeople paying attention to details that don't even matter (the footprints on the snow first, then the bruises etc.). Don't anyone see how bad the auth... Natsumi_

    Yes I can see the story is getting even worse, there is barely any plot to talk about at this point and it's plagiarising or "taking much inspiration" from KS. As I said before I really appreciated that KS ended the way it did but I think we won't have such luck in this story.

    But I think PoTN had potential. The art is gorgeous and there are so many interesting threads author could deepen. But she prefers to write disgusting, horrible grotesque "romance" (mostly rape scenes) between bland victim (without much personality) and his rapist.

Terry December 18, 2020 1:51 pm

Tbh I didn't like the chapter in the slightest.... Making NK realize his feelings (???) for the Lord while he is being raped?
Rather distasteful.

    Natsumi_ December 18, 2020 1:57 pm

    Now expect the fans saying he wanted it, like they did with Bum back in the day, at least Koogi never used a cliffhanger for a fucking rape scene. This manhwa is badly written and overrated af

    JanitorEd December 18, 2020 2:06 pm
    Now expect the fans saying he wanted it, like they did with Bum back in the day, at least Koogi never used a cliffhanger for a fucking rape scene. This manhwa is badly written and overrated af Natsumi_

    actually I think this manhwa is well written. You can see Sh as someone who has trust issues but once he finds someone he ends up believing they're wrong due to his past in which he is probably paranoid about. Nakyum is portrayed as someone who needs care and trust but is unable to gain. They're both in this situation and ofc the person doesn't need to be a "hero" or a "good person" to be a well written character

    JanitorEd December 18, 2020 2:09 pm
    actually I think this manhwa is well written. You can see Sh as someone who has trust issues but once he finds someone he ends up believing they're wrong due to his past in which he is probably paranoid about. ... JanitorEd

    I'm also not condoning Sh actions but I believe half of us reading this don't care about their relationship and dont want them to end up together rather seeing how both of them take on these issues they have. It is ofc annoying to see how Sh is going back to his actions but it can be seen that Sh is a character that has severe issues that maybe in the end cannot be fixed like always or maybe can?<--Ig that's what makes the readers keep reading

    buzzjiaer December 18, 2020 2:14 pm

    Right?! I was trying to piece together how I felt after reading that chapter and you hit the nail on the head w/ Nakyum realising his feelings whilst getting raped like I couldn’t bare the thought of something as traumatic

    Natsumi_ December 18, 2020 2:16 pm
    I'm also not condoning Sh actions but I believe half of us reading this don't care about their relationship and dont want them to end up together rather seeing how both of them take on these issues they have. I... JanitorEd

    This kind of issues can't ever be fixed, since it's clear they will end up together, this story is utter shit. Also Seungho's character is basically a bad copy of Sangwoo, but at least he was a more interesting character and he never got a redemption

    Terry December 18, 2020 2:26 pm
    This kind of issues can't ever be fixed, since it's clear they will end up together, this story is utter shit. Also Seungho's character is basically a bad copy of Sangwoo, but at least he was a more interesting... Natsumi_

    I'm rolling my eyes so hard when I see comments how Seunhho will change and has his redemption arc.
    Since when love cures severe trauma and such a problematic behaviour Seungho represents?
    And their class difference will also magically dissapear because of love?

    Seunhho asking NK why he has never smiled is a peak of ridiculousness. Especially if you think how he asked him about that during rape scene.

    JanitorEd December 18, 2020 4:21 pm
    This kind of issues can't ever be fixed, since it's clear they will end up together, this story is utter shit. Also Seungho's character is basically a bad copy of Sangwoo, but at least he was a more interesting... Natsumi_

    I'm not sure if they're gonna end up together tho because in the Q&A w the author, she states how "they're gonna be happy in their own ways" which could mean a lot of things and not simply them being together. Nakyum doesn't have to be together w Sh to change him but can make Sh have realizations but we're not SURE if he is gonna change. Also @Terry, love actually can change it but idk if this is the case considering they're both not mentally stable

    JanitorEd December 18, 2020 4:26 pm
    I'm not sure if they're gonna end up together tho because in the Q&A w the author, she states how "they're gonna be happy in their own ways" which could mean a lot of things and not simply them being togeth... JanitorEd

    m also we have still yet to see suenho's full backstory so how can u say Sangwoo was a better written character if we have yet to see the cause of Suenho problems..?

    Terry December 18, 2020 5:15 pm
    I'm not sure if they're gonna end up together tho because in the Q&A w the author, she states how "they're gonna be happy in their own ways" which could mean a lot of things and not simply them being togeth... JanitorEd

    Love doesn't CURE such severe trauma and pathological behaviour author portrays.
    Love is not the cure at all. Love can HELP you in the process of changing yourself, nothing less, nothing more.

    JanitorEd December 18, 2020 5:26 pm
    Love doesn't CURE such severe trauma and pathological behaviour author portrays. Love is not the cure at all. Love can HELP you in the process of changing yourself, nothing less, nothing more. Terry

    yeah I agree w u on that ^

Terry December 18, 2020 1:40 pm

Yes miscommunication is the only problem here.
Seungho's abuse, violence and untamed fury are just a small, negligible inconvenience.

    minutta December 18, 2020 1:45 pm

    are people still trying to defend seungho? like come on we're on ch 63 and he's regressing instead of progressing lmao he is way worse than in the beginning

    fay96 December 18, 2020 1:51 pm
    are people still trying to defend seungho? like come on we're on ch 63 and he's regressing instead of progressing lmao he is way worse than in the beginning minutta

    Hello,i do not understand what you mean by defend???for the rape and murders...?this is a yaoi fiction taking place somewhere in 14th century where nobles had almost absolute power over the kisaengs ,servants and slaves. Going past that fact,it seems that you wish for a healthy relationship,which im afraid to ruin it to you but painter of the night is not for the faint hearted or the ones who want a cherry blossoms on winter plot. What you fail to see is seungho's character,the main key to the story that you have been reading. In this chapter we learned that seungho contradicted his own past self. His past sex life,his past actions and words. He told nakyum that he will never let him go. And the one that made me fascinated the most,when seungho said that he never saw his smile. Seungho always just wanted nakyum's smile so that he has something prescious to treasure. The contradiction of a stiff man who lives by his own rules,now driven to the edge of a cliff by a maddening love that leaves him unable to think and act logically. You wont have fluff here,but a raw love and passion which hopefully will become mutual from nakyums side. And if that still is not your cup of tea,then you can always drop it fam..

    Terry December 18, 2020 1:58 pm
    Hello,i do not understand what you mean by defend???for the rape and murders...?this is a yaoi fiction taking place somewhere in 14th century where nobles had almost absolute power over the kisaengs ,servants a... fay96

    Oh yes it's always about Seungho.
    NK's psychological state who cares about that at all? He has to just keep up with all of that and maybe he will live to see the day (although I'm rather concerned with his head being slammed into the floor time after time) that Seungho will not turn to violence if he will disobey him?
    They will never stand on equal grounds.

    Also let's not pretend this story is some psychological masterpiece.
    It's not even so historically accurate.
    And Seungho will be cured of his traumas and violent behaviour because of love?
    Yup... Look convincing.

    some perv December 18, 2020 2:02 pm
    Hello,i do not understand what you mean by defend???for the rape and murders...?this is a yaoi fiction taking place somewhere in 14th century where nobles had almost absolute power over the kisaengs ,servants a... fay96

    Oh no, poor Seungho has never seen Na-Kyum smile at him. I wonder why that is?
    Could it be the kidnapping?
    The insults?
    The hitting?
    The multiple rapes?

    Why, oh why won't Na-Kyum smile...Damn, such a mystery...

    fay96 December 18, 2020 2:05 pm
    Oh no, poor Seungho has never seen Na-Kyum smile at him. I wonder why that is? Could it be the kidnapping? The insults? The hitting? The multiple rapes? Why, oh why won't Na-Kyum smile...Damn, such a mystery... some perv

    Exactly seungho has never attempted to show affection properly to nakyum so we hope after he finds out what happened to feel guilty for his actions and perhaps open up to him

    Terry December 18, 2020 2:09 pm
    Exactly seungho has never attempted to show affection properly to nakyum so we hope after he finds out what happened to feel guilty for his actions and perhaps open up to him fay96

    It was sarcasm.

    minutta December 18, 2020 2:10 pm
    Hello,i do not understand what you mean by defend???for the rape and murders...?this is a yaoi fiction taking place somewhere in 14th century where nobles had almost absolute power over the kisaengs ,servants a... fay96

    fam, i'm dropping it after today and no, i don't want fluff but i don't wanna put up with this repetitive plot anymore

    and i'm not reading this with modern standards in mind because i understand that within the setting (joseon era) seungho's actions make sense. you're telling me i don't understand his character when i've been rooting for him since season 1 lmao i know where he is coming from but i simply don't care for his contradicting behavior anymore when he keeps going in circles anyway

    love? seungho is driven by obsession. he's not saying he won't let nakyum leave because he wants him by his side. it's not out of affection. he's obsessed. of course he's never seen nakyum smile, seungho never did anything to earn one. "Seungho always just wanted nakyum's smile so that he has something prescious to treasure." are you for real right now? seungho keeps whining that nakyum doesn't want him and then treats him like shit and doesn't let him speak lmao

    fay96 December 18, 2020 2:11 pm
    Oh yes it's always about Seungho. NK's psychological state who cares about that at all? He has to just keep up with all of that and maybe he will live to see the day (although I'm rather concerned with his head... Terry

    We were talking about seungho so i sticked to the main subject hon. If you do not find this work as good as you describe it then maybe drop the story???...and the author is not a historian to depict for you the exact traditions of that era,she managed to create it as perfectly as she could. Thats not my main point. If you truly have no interest about the character development of seungho THE MAIN SUBJECT of the story...what are you doing here lmao.

    Terry December 18, 2020 2:17 pm
    We were talking about seungho so i sticked to the main subject hon. If you do not find this work as good as you describe it then maybe drop the story???...and the author is not a historian to depict for you the... fay96

    Oh at this point I read it mostly for amusement.
    And Seungho can get all the development he wants. But his relationship with NK looks like some grotesque parody unfortunately.
    Yoon asking about NK's smile in-between rape scene was the peak.

    some perv December 18, 2020 3:57 pm
    Oh at this point I read it mostly for amusement.And Seungho can get all the development he wants. But his relationship with NK looks like some grotesque parody unfortunately.Yoon asking about NK's smile in-betw... Terry

    Lmao yeah and don't forget NK semi-realising his romantic feelings for him mid-rape. Absolutely gold.

    fay96 December 18, 2020 5:49 pm
    Oh at this point I read it mostly for amusement.And Seungho can get all the development he wants. But his relationship with NK looks like some grotesque parody unfortunately.Yoon asking about NK's smile in-betw... Terry

    Oh its alright if you read it for your amusement we dont all have to share the same feelings while reading this. Some have excitement,some curiousity,some others just want to spend their time reading something that will entertain them.

Terry December 5, 2020 5:36 pm

Reading some comments you'd think the only problem is miscommunication...
But maybe let's start talking about Seungho's way of dealing with NK disobeying him or hurting his feelings?
Because acting like a brute and turning to violence is definitely not the way.

Seungho's past can't justify his actions towards NK.

    sxudxde December 5, 2020 5:51 pm

    fr why tf are people treating this like a cute romance

    Natsumi_ December 5, 2020 6:02 pm

    Also it's clear he is still treating Nakyum as property, as if he owes him something
    i don't like Nakyum as a character and I don't give a damn about his fate, but he is just a victim of Seungho first and foremost, he shouldn't be forced to reciprocate Seungho's feelings, there is nothing wrong if he wants to go (sadly he doesn't want to)

    sxudxde December 5, 2020 7:35 pm
    Also it's clear he is still treating Nakyum as property, as if he owes him somethingi don't like Nakyum as a character and I don't give a damn about his fate, but he is just a victim of Seungho first and foremo... Natsumi_

    are people forgetting that their relationship started with seungho KIDNAPPING nk

Terry December 5, 2020 12:22 pm

Like the victim blaming going on in the comments is terrifying. Yes let's blame the guy who was abducted and traumatised, who is completely shaken up and not the lord who is acting violent and brutal as always because he feels betrayed. Like what is this line of defence even?

And why people who try to come up with some counterarguments to some "complaints" make them so exaggerated:
"The story is not about smut"
"It's a dark romance not a fluffy love story"

Like who is complaining about lack of smut right now ?
And seriously there is nothing in-between one guy getting abused through 95 pr of the story and fluff, rainbows and unicorns?

Another strange counterargument that "Seungho can't change overnight".
It would be a good argument if we were on chapter 15/20. Not 62.

Another one "Seungho is traumatised by his past so why are y'all hating"
Also what NK has to do with Seungho's traumas?
Why should he face the never ending abuse because someone else hurt Seungho in the past?
It's unbelievable after all of this mistreatment for NK to develop any warm feelings for Seungho.

    Hadis December 5, 2020 12:24 pm


Terry December 4, 2020 4:13 pm

Spoilers and unpopular opinion

I feel that it's going to be really unpopular opinion but yes on the one hand we can agree that Seungho's unstable, traumatized man, that it's hard for his character to change drastically (62 *cough* chapters *cough) but there is a one BUT:
Why should Nakyum keep up with this and get the short end of the stick all the time?

Nakyum falling for Seungho looks more and more unbelievable and unrealistic. It would be more similar to some disarranged "Stockholm Syndrome" than genuine feelings at this point.
It's all sweet and glorious that SH is changing slowly, there are these small changes here and there but what about Nakyum?
A lot of people in their big essays, analyses focus mostly on SH and how hurt he is but they forget and overlook Nakyum and his feelings/state of mind.
Why is Seungho's pain more valid than Nakyum's?

Readers blame Jihwa and Nameless... But doesn't this situation show how lost and ruthless Yoon is?
Even if NK escaped on his own, why should it be so surprising? Because SH showed NK some of his vulnerable side and threw some scrapes of affection, Nakyum is supposed to be over heels in love and forgiving?
Seungho doesn't even try to understand the painter.
Yes add to all of that history circumstances... But then they will never stand on equal grounds.

    Yep December 4, 2020 4:13 pm

    All chapter 62 did was solidify that seungho hasn’t changed at all and still behaves irrationally and violently towards nakyum

    ananon December 4, 2020 9:34 pm

    > A lot of people in their big essays, analyses focus mostly on SH and how hurt he is but they forget and overlook Nakyum and his feelings/state of mind

    Oof yeah this is the thing about this story's audience that bothers me the most; I get the feeling most of the readers only really care about SH (bc he's the tall, dark, handsome asshole who all the readers lust for, while they all perceive NK as just "cute", "their son", other infantilizing relationships to suggest a generic, weak moe attachment), hence most of the chapter 62 complaints being about SH's "lack of character development," and even worse, ppl victim blaming NK for """causing" SH to backtrack. I'm not a fan of this super convoluted reasoning of NK clamming up from a weak death threat either, but the guy is a r*pe and abuse victim who was just almost strangled to death, ffs, it's a miracle he's even able to respond to SH at all.

    Also it bothers me that everyone here perceives that character development for SH would be for him to show bare minimum kindness and "'forgive" NK for his great crime of supposedly....moving freely of his own will??? You know when SH will finally evolve beyond his current character as a straight-up abuser, the cliched Yaoi Troubled Boyfriend? It'll be when he gives NK freedom to make his own choices, recognizing that he's only perpetuating the abuse he suffered under his own high society by forcing NK to be stifled as well for not only being gay but also for being born lower-class - it'll be the day he lets NK *choose for himself* whether he wants to stay with SH or leave and NOT when he decides to continue keeping NK locked away like a prized sex toy and going to beat up/kill some randos for touching his possession.

    Terry December 4, 2020 11:12 pm
    > A lot of people in their big essays, analyses focus mostly on SH and how hurt he is but they forget and overlook Nakyum and his feelings/state of mindOof yeah this is the thing about this story's audience ... ananon

    I agree with everything you said.
    Tbh I don't understand yaoi readers most of the times.

    I didn't understand why people dragged Jihwa for his mistakes... But didn't find Seungho's past actions as much disturbing.

    I don't understand the logic that Seungho's redemption arc and his growth are more valid than NK's wellbeing.

    Let's not even start the post which openly blame NK for the new misunderstanding...because it's literally victim blaming. Seungho overreacted, turned to his violent tendencies...and it's Nakyum's fault?
    So what if he wanted to leave SH for real one day? Then Seungho can hurt him or kill him?
    Because many people put the blame mostly on miscommunication and they don't see anything wrong with the way Yoon reacts.

Biss November 14, 2020 10:56 pm

There are few things I don't get:
- Jihwa thought in first chapters that Seungho's from DECLINING family, what's more he is literally outcast, who got some land but still his knot was cut off...but we see Seungho mistreating his fellow nobles (punching, manhandling them)... And there are NO consequences for his actions? He was literally stepping on Jihwa in public.

- Why don't we see any wives in the story? From historical view both Jihwa and Seungho should have been married for a long time. They are in their late 20s, if not in their early 30s.

    Kiki November 14, 2020 11:00 pm

    Bless you but there is nothing about this story that implies the creator is concerned with historical accuracy.

    Tortugas November 14, 2020 11:11 pm

    Good points. It’s also hard to reconcile the idea that the nobility wouldn’t routinely use the servants, staff for sex. Like it certainly wouldn’t be something to conceal in and of itself, as portrayed earlier in the story. Totally aside from any notion of consent, which would be absurd here. I’m all for artistic license, but I think certain key elements really need to be accounted for in historical fiction.

    (Also I am personally outraged on Jihwa’s behalf here.)

Biss November 14, 2020 10:20 pm

Tbh I don't understand the whole hate towards Jihwa. For all these chapters Seunho's wrongdoings were explained and justified by historical context. That Nakyum, other servants are just lowborns, for nobles literally second human category. That's why we shouldn't look at his actions so harshly because they were completely different times.

But suddenly the same logic doesn't apply to Jihwa.
Imagine the dishonour. That the fellow noble man you've been in love with for ages... Prefers some LOWBORN over you.

Let's be real Seungho treated Jihwa like shit. And I seriously doubt that he didn't know about his feelings. He is intelligent and perceptive man. He's just used them to his advantage.

So imagine you've endured the mistreatment of your beloved for ages and you were tossed aside as some trash and replaced... Not even replaced: your beloved fell for some LOWBORN. Maybe said lowborn bewitched your beloved.... Because it's unthinkable.

Seungho didn't have bigger problem with torturing, hurting, raping or even murdering someone from lower status. But suddenly when Jihwa wants to do the same.... It's an unbelievable sin.

Some readers even judge assassin...as if it wasn't his very job.

The same with InHun. For him Nakyum is just a pawn in his play, second category human. Nothing less,nothing more.

    ali November 14, 2020 10:56 pm

    nicely put! this is exactly what i'm thinking. like, what's with this double standard?

Biss October 9, 2020 7:26 pm

My biggest problem with the newest chapter is the timing. Just in last chapters Seungho hurt Nakyum for hundred time, ordered gangrape and stopped the whole ordeal because of his jealousy... And now author gives as a combo of: vulnerable, sick Seungho, his tragic past and suicidal thoughts...

It just doesn't sit well with me. It kinda looks like we are made to sympathise with him and forgive him (or at least minimise) his mistreatment and wrongings towards both Nakyum and his servants.

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