The old man in Ch. 22 reminded me of Colonel Sanders for Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Am I fucked up for wanting one of the girls to peg the other with one of the legs of the chair? Probably? Yeah? I will show myself out...
Hahahahahaha that’ll be interesting to see
imagine the splinters
So what I'm seeing is your male cause.. well ouch ⊙﹏⊙
Lol I honestly thought I’d a girl since we fucked up like that lmao.
I'm a girl fam. Just a messed up one.
Wtf. I'm a girl and also wanna see that. What's your problem fam
Oh my gosh the art is beautiful. Everyone is so pretty. And this funny to boot. I love it so much.
I need a cigarette after that sex scene and I don't even smoke.
This is funny, slightly lewd, and wholesome all that same time. wtf
Holy hot damn!
Women only feel 3 inches into their vagina. So as long as he is bigger than 3 inches he's good. Plus girth matters more than length.
School nurse: "Don't go overboard..."Me: No. Please go overboard. You don't understand.
My corrupt self was not ready for this wholesome story.
Is Masamune a virgin? Sometimes how he acts with Koeda during intimate time makes me think he is not. Not that it matters at all. I was just curious.
I’m pretty sure his first kiss with her. So I’m assuming he’s a virgin too.
I mean... you can have sex with someone without ever having your first kiss. I'm jk :P Thanks for your thoughts!
The old man in Ch. 22 reminded me of Colonel Sanders for Kentucky Fried Chicken.