I see some comments actually supporting a rapist and saying it’s fine. First of all your a disgusting human being and u don’t deserve to be a human. Second for the people who are supporting a rapist imagine you were in jooin’s place and u we’re getting raped would u like that? No. So then why support it? And I see a lot of bl’s there’s rape and people are romanticizing it. Like it’s not cute you don’t know what other went through. If you support this then you will got your karma one day. And for the people who went through rape/sexual assault I’m very sorry for smth like that happened to u. And I’m very sorry for some comments if they disturb you!! Pls be safe out there!!

That's very rude of you. Why judge other peoples preferences? I don't compare fiction and reality and I don't support or justify anything because it's fiction. I read yaoi for the escapism and not for the moral nonsense. I've had sex while intoxicated and I've also been raped. While I was drunk I didn't care since I wanted to have sex, and I don't care if anyone tells me otherwise. As for the rape one, that one made me feel dirty. You all shouldn't call people disgusting, that's cyber bullying.

Gurl you are the one complaining about meangliness shit on a topic in which nobody even asked your opinion.
Like if you like a rapist good for you but how are we rude for not fetishing criminals? And also why is it that when you have an opinion its okay but when other people have them and express them in a logical and rational way its suddenly bullying? No offense but bc idiots like you use the word cyber bulliying for every small thing, this word isnt even taken seriously anymore