Meet & remeet-cute

When love strikes you like a bus.
2024-01-18 12:19 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2024-01-14 11:37 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2024-01-14 11:36 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2024-01-14 11:34 marked
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His little belly
2024-01-13 09:19 marked
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2024-01-10 14:00 marked
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2024-01-09 16:04 marked
Spoilers for chapter 79:

***Either JH rang the doorbell or the fucking stalker knows the code to their gate***

YO wakes up in his own bed the next morning. Alone. Probably with a hangover, if the way he scrunches his face is anything to by.

Outside, it's pouring.

He steps into the kitchen to sip some water and finds the bouquet on the dining table, reminding him of JH collecting his drunken ass off the street, a dream (he believes -_-) he's just woke up from.

He grabs the flowers and regards it. He doesn't know who they're from as he blacked out before he got the chance to check, and admits to only taking it as it resembles the one he received (from JH) some time ago. At that, YO dumps the flowers back onto the table, and chastises himself for his yet again pathetic behavior.


The downpour hasn't let up as YO drives himself to work. On the phone is his apologetic manager, who is currently under the weather. YO allays his guilt by stating he only has one appointment for the day anyway. He advises his manager to get some rest.

A loud noise disrupts their conversation, alarming them both. YO sees the imminent disaster through the windshield, swerves to the right, then steps on the brake. More loud noises follow.


In his new office, JH watches a news update on the Chairman of Haekang, his grandfather. The prosecutors will now proceed with the arrest warrant as testimonies have proven him guilty, guaranteeing his imprisonment.

The news move on to a 5-car pile-up by the mouth of a tunnel. Among the details of the accident springs YO's name, which has JH jumping out of his chair.

Tension spreads all over his body, his face a mask of alarm. He's frozen where he stands, but his secretary coming in snaps him out from his shock, and like a bat out of hell, JH leaves his office, leaving behind an inconvenienced secretary and what must have been an important appointment.


Heavy traffic impedes JH's progress. Frustration has him hunched against the steering wheel, his hands visibly shaking from the dread, worry, and paranoia that's been keeping him company.

With the trial over, he fears his vindictive grandfather may have orchestrated the incident in retaliation. White-knuckling the steering wheel, JH repents for involving YO in his quest for retribution.


What little progress he's made turns into another obstacle as JH is greeted with a closed road. He jumps out of his car and crosses over, uncaring of the rain and the guard yelling after him.

JH reaches the accident scene, his shirt drenched, and hair disheleved. He twists his neck left and right as he frantically calls out for YO. Relief is found as JH finally spots him standing a few paces away.


YO is on the phone, reporting his condition. He cuts the phone call short when his eyes land on an approaching JH.

JH cups his jaw as he asks YO if he's okay, and without waiting for an answer, proceeds to assess YO's condition, searching him all over for injuries. YO tells him to calm down and states the obvious: he's not hurt badly.

He asks what brought JH over, who responds by forcefully enveloping YO in his arms. The umbrella drops from YO's hands, subjecting him to the pelting rain.

Despite his fears ebbing away, JH's hands are still shaking as he cradles the back of YO's head, the other on YO's back. He expresses relief at having found YO safe. Having spent the whole drive with dark thoughts circling in his head, JH says he doesn't know how he managed to get to YO with the mental state he was in. YO is surprised at the admission, but doesn't say anything. He keeps his arms pinned to his sides and just lets JH hold him. His eyes start to soften as JH continues to ramble on, saying he knows he doesn't have the right to stand before YO, but this time, JH professes he no longer has the resolve to stay away*.


*I made a selfish decision by not writing "to let YO go" because I felt like he's done that already in chapter 78, and the past six months probably saw JH schooling himself in staying away, so...yeah. Hehehe. Sorry.

• I can't wait for the anti-spoiler readers to read chapter 80 in 2 weeks. T_T
• What about JH's father? Wasn't he implicated? :( I thought he was also doing some shit on the side...
• Le sigh. I kind of wanted to see JH laying YO on the bed. He's always doing it off-screen. If you're observant enough, you'd know that this isn't the first time he's done so.
• I hope Kwon doesn't fire the manager. T_T
2023-12-28 00:00 marked
2023-12-19 04:36 marked
Spoilers for chapter 77:


And in response to JH's heartfelt words, YO asks if JH needs anything more than the USB (Not sure if he's playing dumb or mocking JH for not following through his own words?). YO sobers up and reminds JH how, months back, he couldn't even force himself to lie about liking YO, yet now....JH cuts in to explain, but YO says he can't even picture himself being happy with JH right now.

JH says YO doesn't have to answer him now. He simply felt it necessary to let YO know.

"You just felt like you had to tell me now...?" YO remarks how JH has it easy while he himself has to agonize each time he wants to pour his heart out. He reminds JH how, not too long ago, YO begged him to say the words he's always longed to hear. Despite knowing full well they'd just be empty, YO still wanted to know what it was like.

Even if JH means what he says now, YO's not one to take things in stride. Anything JH does or say can either lift him up or bring him down, and always he's too helpless to hide it. Even rubbish news can render him restless. He hates that he feels this way and there's little doubt he'll continue to do so.

YO says JH will remain important to him and that even though he's regretted falling in love, there were still happy moments to look back on.

He adds that even now, he still has feelings for JH. However, he maintains that he still wants their ties severed, and YO proves so by declaring JH's sudden appearance serving as their third and final meeting, burning the bridge that JH has been mending. He asks that JH keep his promise (that this will truly be the end).

With this, they part with good memories. As YO begins to walk away, JH grabs his hand.

"You said you still have feelings for me," JH pleads, but YO has nothing more left to say. He looks at JH for the last time, squeezes his hand in goodbye, then lets go. JH watches him leave.


Having put enough distance between them, YO pauses for a cigarette. Tears well up in his eyes as he recalls JH's admission of wanting to make him happy.

On his flight back home, JH, too, thinks about YO's admission to still having feelings for him. He may have not gotten what he sought, but a flicker of hope remains.


[Six months later...meaning, it's either August or September now? Meaning, YO has celebrated his 26th birthday and we weren't witness to it. Meaning, that's a long damn time without sex, but I digress]

YO's hard work rewards him with continued success, and the same is true for JH. Having been victor in the now concluded trial, he is set to take on the mantle of vice presidency.


Elsewhere, JH gets ready for his inauguration. On his wrist, he wears the only other thing that YO has given him: his Christmas gift. Which...kind of...looks like...he's wearing upside down?

On the way to the ceremony, a massive banner catches JH's attention. On it is YO's character.....from the production filmed the last February (I think?). JH gazes at YO's face.


Kwon, love looks good on you.

Anyways, author says the end is nigh. 2 more chapters? 7?

And oh, Kwon's birthday is tomorrow! You ain't getting laid, my lad.
2023-12-19 04:33 marked
2023-12-16 11:04 marked
2023-12-16 11:04 marked
Guysssss omg it’s getting an animeeee ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
2023-12-10 15:22 marked
Wanted to see what he'd look like with black hair but oh well.
2023-12-07 17:02 marked

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