Prolly my 2nd or 3rd time reading this manhwa but my adoration for nam woo keeps on steadyly increasing regardless. Im just so proud of her esp during the the part where she constantly search for seungha despite his selfishness for breaking their relationship one-sidedly. She's so admirable & relentless, plus her choice off words?! Im in awe, this girl is tough asf. As for seungho, you can obly see how bad his carving for familial affection is, he envied nam woo although her situation of growing without a father is far from perfect amongst our society. It can be presumed that he's better off bcause he has a father while she doesn't but yeah quality is better than quantity is a saying that can be applied here. Its also okay that he can never forgive his mom. Even if he did, the pain of being abandoned by one's own parent can never be forgotten, for life sobs. Im just so happy seungha has nam woo's unconditional love, they found each other & are definitely 'a perfect fit' in my eyes.

Thank you to all translators, proofreaders & raw providers! Had a great time reading this. Taeho is so cute esp when he cries, his personality is actually very interesting given his age & i found it funny how 1st, he didn't listen to seojun's warning to stay away from jiwoon 2nd, seojun didn't even get mad at him, he prioritized taeho's wellbeing above all for sure, its just so kind & sweet to see. Hanseok & his lover are extremely precious too.
p/s; if you take everything seriously, you wont be able to enjoy this series;) & please do not insult the author's effort T_T

I love this, a story where all the rapists got the end they truly deserve. It feels satisfying fr. The sis was such a lovely/positive person & the 1st person who wasn't afraid of moo's childhood story. Her end was so heartbreaking, didn't even get the chance to fulfill her wish to live in a studio with her bro sobs.
And i adore the relationship development between moo & kirin! They totally know what goes on in the others's head even without much communication after spending so much time together. Their relation is like a double fisherman knot that can't be undone. They co-exist to match each other wants, needs, attitude & personality. Plus that scene where kirin drove late in the night to see moo & for what? just to kiss him?! ASDFGHJKL it was so freakin sweet & kirin is so beautiful, no wonder he's the chosen one in moo's life
Im so happy for the two of them T_T definitely a beautiful love story. The way they communicate with each other esp, full of honesty and love is just awwww so fuckin- precious. Oh God, give me someone to adore like how Hyunwook adore wonyoung please