that is literally me when i ship two of my male classmates i still remember during math class the guy just sat on his friend's lap and the dude didn't say anything but instead he put his hands around the guy's waist to make sure he's stable while teaching him math I LITERALLY SCREAMED IN MY HEAD

i knowww initially the smart dude was teaching his classmate beside him so the cute guy came (probably to ask math question) but he couldn't find any empty seats near him so he just sat on the smart dude's lap without saying anything and the smart dude didn't even flinchhhhh. he's still focused on teaching his friend but his left hand went to his waist to stable him and the cute guy just sat on his lap waiting after he finished teaching his friend he proceeded to teaching the cute guy. and they're laughing along the way and it's soooo cuteeeee
but nobody knows I'm a fujoshi so my friend thinks i have a crush on the guys because i kept staring at them lol

honestly I'm so reluctant to read this manhwa everytime there's an update. I'm excited to know what's gonna happen but every single time i finished reading this i don't feel great and my heart hurts lol. i have to find a fluffy manga to feel better again. really anticipating the moment they'll just be together :/ can't take the heart ache anymore

honestly this is such a good manhwa. stayed up until 3am finishing this. but I'm confused why... the blue eyed daddy and the green eyed daddy were fucking? technically the seme's grandfather and the uke's father were fucking... that's indirectly incest or something
and the love that the green eyed daddy feels for ellie... is it a love as a friend? a family? or a lover? if it is as a lover, that's indirectly incest too
i really can't stand incest so i find those possibilities to be disturbing lol
I'm only at chapter 8 but the funny thing is both sides consented to the relationship and doesn't do anything that makes the other person uncomfortable but somehow the vibe of the manhwa seems dark and psychological even though there's nothing wrong lol