im not sure if the details are not yet shown or if i just missed them?
1. who's soryeon tho? if jintae is the only heir then who is soryeon in the first place? why did she get the position in the first place? is she jintae's aunt? his mom's sister? then why do they keep saying jintae is the only one who's blood related?
2. if jintae's mom the grandfather's actual daughter then why was she banished and left to live on her own? who was jintae with the whole time when he was growing up? his grandpa?
3. why did the other famous kids helped jintae and said "you dont wanna mess with jintae" at the club? he didn't have any power, did he? or im guessing he has some sort of powerful backup together with jin which has not been revealed yet?
4. can someone explain why soryeon abandoned hanjoon and closed the club lmao i dont get it
5. when hanjoon was going crazy when he found out min eum didnt have his memory, he just want to torture jintae? that's it? he helped killing his mom bcs he wanted to torture jintae?
6. i really don't understand why jian put min eum back to jintae's side. he's siding with jintae right? jian sometimes sides with his mom sometimes with jintae he's all over the place, I'm so confused
7. why is jintae's grandpa afraid of jintae??? huh??? why is he suddenly listening to jintae what he tells him to do BROOO I DONT GET ITTTT

can someone explain to me about the artist situation? I've seen people saying she wanna quit for awhile now bcs of the hate she received, but I've never seen any hate comments about her? all I've seen are people saying how gorgeous the arts are, literally everywhere

My understanding is that negative and hate comments are coming from the KK platform (Itʻs a Chinese platform, where Little Mushroom is officially posted). There were a lot of comments, especially at the beginning, of how this artist is not educated at the right university, doesnʻt have the right background, is not known, and overall doesnʻt fit the "correct" criteria (whatever the hell they are). And that the art is trash. The bullying has been persistent and continuous.
However, many fans, in China and internationally, have been organizing support events on social media. That is why the artist decided to continue. Thatʻs why you are seeing massive praise on social media, but not seeing horrible comments, cause they are on a different platform. We only hear how bad it gets when the artist mentions it.

ohhhhh i see, thank you for explaining. I'm surprised she had hate comments like that since her art is really gorgeous. why did the hate comments nitpick on her like that? did little mushroom novel readers a huge fandom over there? I'm quite surprised since the novel doesn't have any toxicity to attract these kind of people

Yes, the art is absolutely breathtaking. and maybe thatʻs why itʻs so viciously attacked, cause the style of drawing is not mainstream/standard in Chinese manhwa. That was one of the theories. The other one - this situation is very similar to K-pop when a small group of Korean fans cyber-bully a star/idol while a huge group of international fandom really supports them. I am glad international fandom consistently rises to support the artist, because I think she made the novel material much better. I canʻt imagine Little Mushroom visually in any other way now.

keep in mind that it's not just that awful hate train that's discouraging her from continuing. she's spoken up about illegal uploads and how they're giving her burnout. the interaction and reception for the newer chapters on kuaikan are extremely low compared to its earlier chapters, which is why both emotional and financial support are extremely important!

I'm only at chapter 50, this is good overall, it's cute, but as someone who's actually in tech it does feel a bit cringey to read the hacking happening haha. it's very much how movies portray hackers, very cool and amazing when in reality we slouch and stress why our codes don't work lmao. but this is a great and fun story regardless

it's possible for women getting women pregnant too, but there were a lot of risks and the research wasn't widely done since straight people are having shit tons of kids anyway.
also I recommend "kiraide isasete"! "private call" is good, it has more smut than plot tho. but it's cute and light hearted. "the origin of species" is great too. all of these are green flags and they're not toxic
ngl this manhwa has the prettiest dick I've ever seen bro. the coloring is insane