I don't know if she is neurodivergent, if she is repressed, if she had too many traumatic experiences, or stuck growing, I really don't know, what I do know is that she is the worst just because she is. it doesn't matter any of the reasons I mentioned before, those aren't reasons as to the how she is, it isn't, because everyone has a clue in a moment, everyone has their epiphany moment, she is just plain Mary Sue reincarnated.
I bet you that next chapter is answering to white hair guy with a high five and a me too bro and that will be that and the end she will be like oh I like blonde hair dude because the romance tag is there and that's that.
she is id10t1c as simple as that, because at one point the shoe should drop, she should see that everything isn't black and white, that people die even if you trie to protect everyone, that sometimes you must kill to survive, what would she do if she had to kill to survive? she would let herself get killed? She should accept help because her family, her friends, are strong and she isn't idk Wanda? Yoonghyuk? she should know that together is stronger than alone, you can't tell me that her all might teacher that told her that BS about not killing didn't told her of asking for help.
She is badly written, there isn't any other way to excuse her character, she is badly written, she could compete with Sigrid, sadly she "grew up" (debatable), she could be neurodivergent but at one point you do get the wait this person is flirting, because this boys they aren't playing games, they are being direct and let me tell you as person that needs people to tell me plain and simple everything there is the Oh moment, we are reaching the 100 chapter and she still believes that they are all simple friends. She is dumb, she is Mary Sue, I bet you she will even find a way to find the evil one as a victim, because she is that kind of person, her sister is better written, I mean that phrase of violence by defending people is perfection, her sister that was bed ridden that only had shushu as her caretaker has better values and don't tell me that its because our FL is neurodivergent or traumatised because when you are raised by someone as our FL you don't get someone like her sister, you get someone like FL mini me. I could go on, I won't, I don't even know why I keep reading it, sorry and thank you for coming to my ted talk

why must always the girl be the moral compass on the harem? why must always the men be war mongers that have zero compassion? only Cass has sympathy? why? I expected more from Diego, but all the ML are extremist. Cass has valid points with what she is saying, yet I like more the POV that her sister has, its more grey. that last sentence was a bonus for me

I think for aria it's not that she has a morally grey perspective but it's Cass centered. For aria Cass IS life and to make her sister happy she's willing to do anything... whether that's burn the world to the ground or be a healer to save lives.
As for the ML's they all have deep seated issues with no one to guide them. Cass had her teacher who from a young age told her right from wrong and to love life but they didn't have that.
I do agree that it's always the women who has to ha e the moral compass but in THIS case I think it has more to do with how they were raised vs. Gender...
I'm loving out chat and would love to continue it if you want!

I would love to continue it, more with the other lovely answers this comment had.
I agreed with everything said in this conversation. I am tired that women are always used as the moral compas, maybe that's the reason why I read more webtoons/manga/manhwa/etc that have more antiheroines, they are what women are, human beings, complex.
I hate it when they are so perfect, so white and black in their point of view, that isn't real, it isn't that what Cass is saying is wrong is that what Diego said, as future leader of the empire, is awful, the writer by making Cass the moral compass makes her the only person with empathy, the rest? are psychopaths, or something similar.
I know she had the teacher, that taught her black and white, but, the thing is that having someone like that doesn't make you a good person, it helps you? sure, but it doesn't makes you.
Aria was raised by Cass, more than anyone, in that case Aria was raised with the same morals as Cass, but Aria knows to be selfish, she does see the bigger picture, because Cass thinks the bigger picture as being a martyr, all for the greater good, sacrificing too much, thus she isn't seeing the bigger picture, she is seeing two colours.
Aria isn't seeing two colours, to her, as you said her colour is Cass, all she does is for Cass, but she does know how to sympathise with the other person because she knows what it means to protect and survive for your own and for the person you love. Aria is a ML, she is, she would be the older brother that would tell Cass that the villain is in prison when in reality she disposed of him, Cass is Richard and Aria is Jason/Tim/Damian/Barbara/Cassandra/Stephanie/Etc
The webtoon its making it look as if the difference between Cass and all the others is that she had her master and the others no, but that's a dumb excuse, it doesn't work, because Leo? I think it was who wanted to follow to the woods the other boy and kill him, he had someone, that care about him and probably raised him well, yet it was that same person that drove him to the despair he felt, that is what Aria makes Cass see, what would you do to avenge the one you love? Cass would burn the world for Aria, we know it, and the writer didn't touch that, because Cass if she had been on his shoes she would have done the same.
They want to make us believe that its how they were raised, it isn't, Diego has his father, who doesn't look like a tyrant, he should have raised his son well, to be a diplomat, not to be someone that creates war crimes (I know maybe at those times they were thought that they were ok) yet, he said lets kill them all, lets brainwashed the children, it was madness. But, saint Cass, was the one that said dude no that's wrong, its again the structure of the saint teaching the crown prince to be human, I thought this was in the past, the idea of the FL as the saviour of white light.
For me, the way that they were raised, can't be their only difference, that's poor writing because if we start to discuss every decision Cass made before the teacher was mentioned, it would show that it wasn't because of him, he appeared mid webtoon? I think...they are using her as the girl that is the white to the black of the boys worlds, because God forgives if a women has anger, has bloodlust, has grey in her, no, no, the men are those and the women are nice and delicate and are the voice of goodness.
sorry for the rant! Love to read your answer!

I agree with you to a point but we've also forgotten Cass past life as a 21st century women.
I think that also helped her build that moral compass she lives with this the idea of just killing someone cus your a noble wasn't a thing for her in the past... like the most recent chapters where she's fighting with the idea of when war comes she'll have to actually kill people.

hi! I didn't answer because I was reading the last chapters.
So, lets us continue, wait! before, thank you for answering I am loving this!
It's true that she is from the 21st century, but that doesn't make her not naive, people now at days are naive, it's the sad truth of humanity people are always going to think in a innocent way, sometimes its great and other times its just dumb.
I believe that a good evidence of this, is the last chapters, she says how they should give the carrot and not the stick, but, here's the thing, first the romans were nice to the countries they conquered because in that way the people opened up to them and they could rob them from parts of their culture, the most known is Greece/Rome they were nice with them but because of the benefits, but they weren't all roses and daisies with them, that would make them idiot and easy to overurle, no they did use the stick when it was necessary, like any country that was in the same position as Rome, yet that part of the story she forgets, how Rome did erased from history those cultures that didn't submitted to them or they didn't find interesting. At the same time she wants to save a people, that from what we know want to destroy the empire, they have a whole lot of history between them, bad blood, and she thinks that being nice can change that, and she thinks that the prince is thinking like that because he has been hurt before, which he most probably is. BUT, sometimes people who were raised with betrayal in their life, yes they see everyone like a Judah, but that type of thinking can save them, give them a different point of view, yes he believes that there is no saving this northern, and maybe he is wrong, maybe he is right, but he is right in thinking that they could betray them, that letting their guard down, that being 100% nice can make them fall, for a reason there exist the carrot and the stick. She is idealistic, the emperor said so, the prince is extremist, he also said so, and its true, a great example is the eternals! a great movie that shows those ideals, the idealist that its an extremist prefers to die than to accept its wrong, the idealist its killing other people because they think they are right, who's right? for me? neither
she is an idealist, not because how or when she was raised, she dumb, she thinks that being nice can change the world, and that doesn't change it, hey! I am not saying be evil and kill HAHAHAH no, I am saying don't be dumb, nice can take you so far, she believes that they can all hold hands and sing kumbaya. she asks the second prince what he thinks, and for a moment I fear she could push him to be the crown pince because he is an idealist, but, here is the thing, she shouldn't have told him what they discussed that was wrong and his answer was about racism not colonialism, she likes to hear what she wants to hear, she heard aria but she used that to say oh poor crown prince he was badly raised so he mistrust everyone, while, with the second prince oh he was put aside and no one sees how great he is, she is white and black and it doesn't make senses, how was she Mir? How did she survive? Who raised Aria with so different POV? Idk, sorry again for the vomit

I don't like her, I can't like her, hey at first she was meh ok, she was bearable, but now? she is dumb, she gets on my nerves? she listened to him, and she thought that the trip was a honeymoon? she laughed at what she saw? like, no girl, please, use a brain cell, please, I beg you, I hate it when they put romance in this way, she is dumb, a decoration, she is useless, and I bet you she will be a liability, one that doesn't learns how to protect herself, that won't learn, I can't like her, I won't, I don't, and I don't like him with her, its idiotic, I understand second time in life and blah blah but this is a stupid decision, again this is homework, even worst, I would do homework happily before this.

a favour, I will drop this, I can't carry on, it isn't worth it, she is annoying, he is a pet hole, everything around him is dumb dumb, so if someone, could when it ends, send me a pigeon, answer this rant or message idk and idc whatever works, I would greatly appreciate it. to those that continue, you have all my respect!

I don't understand who the ML is, I had read that it was the prince, but they had almost zero interaction, she had mores screen time with the rest and she is more open. I don't understand.
Also she said to her, OTHER but OLDEST friend, that he was nothing and she wouldn't recognise him, and the she goes and talks to him and tells the lord that she knows him? I do not understand.
I know that romance shouldn't be the main plot, I know, but, its confusing as to who is the ML....
are you friends? awkward silence, angry silence, denial silence
are you partners? petulant shrug, petty words, for me that's a yes