So reading back a bit I noticed when futo saved the worker from the perver he said "I dont like your smell" makes me wonder if hes the dog out of the 12 zodiacs
Ooo that makes sense, b4 i was thinking he's probably like a cat or black panther but urs make sense, and they already showed the tiger soo u are probably right. And seeing as he is kinda like the playful type, i mean "playing with the gold fish" really
Ooo that makes sense, b4 i was thinking he's probably like a cat or black panther but urs make sense, and they already showed the tiger soo u are probably right. And seeing as he is kinda like the playful type,... manga puppy
Ye ye!! And reading the comments @Shinozaki Sachiko mentioned that yes me might have punished the boss bc he was about to rape the worker but he might have also punished him bc dogs are loyal and the pervert was being unfaithful to his spouse.
Ye ye!! And reading the comments @Shinozaki Sachiko mentioned that yes me might have punished the boss bc he was about to rape the worker but he might have also punished him bc dogs are loyal and the pervert wa... CutiieBunniie
Ngl I hate chowwow (w.e his name is) just as much as the next person but I have to admit out of all the characters Fargo has drawn hes so pretty! (Fk I vomited a bit) but like damn he can look so nice with just a black cap on and a white shirt. Why he so pretty?!?!
Omg yukitaka in that one year went to hell aand back!! Whats with all those huge slashes on his face and body?!?!?
Either way I loved this so much. I was here since the first story so Im happy I saw the entire story from start to finish!!