hannah11223's experience ( All 0 )

hannah11223's answer ( All 5 )

sexuality is on a spectrum. Someone can be bisexual but be more attracted to one gender than the other. But, sexuality itself can be hard to label, despite all the different labels, because its so personalized and individual. Everyone is different. What it sounds like is that you are straight enough that if you want a label, then thats your label l......   1 reply
16 12,2020
18 08,2020
You hate eating? do you think that your mom might be part of that? Like, because she forces it too much you lost the enjoyment of it, maybe?? Idk, but as long as you are at least eating a couple times a day to remain healthy, then it doesnt matter how skinny you are. that's just your body, nothing weird or bad about it. everyone is different. "heal......   reply
18 08,2020
i remember my first time trying a tampon and i couldnt do it lol it's true that some wetness down there should help. try inserting it with an in and out motion, it helps relax the vagina. also, do that when pleasuring yourself. you should explore your body and sexuality a bit yourself before having sex with another anyway. you'll feel more comforta......   1 reply
10 08,2020
It's not weird, as in, "you shouldnt do that", just weird like "huh, kinda a weird coincidence, but okay"   reply
10 05,2020
eh, i dont really mind telling people. most of the people around me read manga or watch anime, so if they ask what i read i say romance and sometimes i say yaoi too (cuz i read both). havent met a person yet that looks at me weird. my mom kinda knows too since i said to her that i read m/m romance books (which i do).   reply
11 08,2016

hannah11223's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do jack off while doing handstand

Well now I want to

2 hours
did hating someone

I used to have the energy, but then life is so short to spend my finite energy on something so tiring and pointless though.

5 hours
did hating someone

i hated on him but i found out he was hot and wasnt an actual catfisher

8 hours