I know the MC is drunk on revenge right now but I hope that when she comes back to her senses, she’ll realize that using other people’s power won’t satiate her wrath. Given her character, the best way to reap revenge is to do it herself rather than indirectly through others.
I believe the character glow up and the careful preparations beforehand are honestly, the key elements to revenge. It builds up the tension and makes us look forward to that sweet, sweet finale. Which is probably why I prefer if she cultivated her own power to take revenge herself. Just personal preference though :D

Throughout the series, our main character was seen as robotic as such, but this recent chapter truly emphasized her humanity. The poor girl is tired of living and exhausted from chasing a desire that she can never fulfill. None of us, well at least I didn’t, know her fatigue this until this chapter because she has never been so vulnerable and robbed of her goal in life.
She’s gone through so much already T_T LET THE GIRL LIVE. PLeASE
HE ALMOST LOST AN ENTIRE ARM. Literally screaming in distress and in rage at my screen and yet Eve comes along, so composed and dissolves the situation so professionally. Hats off to her, she’s real royalty.