Is it really rape if the uke wanted to have sex? He wanted to have sex with anyone who is hot because he is sexually frustrated, and that is exactly what he is getting. I don't think this is glorifying rape.
And if you do, that's fine, you can just say your opinion and not read the story anymore.

Can u clarify more about y it is even if he ask for it? Is it bc uke thought he was doing it w someone else and not w the dude rn? I just want to know about ur opinion and ur view and not meant to be rude or anything it’s bc idk how to judge this scene whether it’s mainly the seme fault for giving in to someone that’s intoxicated or the uke fault when he came onto a man that reject it in the beginning of uke’s sexual harassment before it turn into “mutual” “consent(???))”???? ?

He's drunk, i wouldn't say it's necessarily his fault but when you're drunk you do things you wouldn't do when sober. It's an iffy situation, but the law doesn't care for this and he could actually press charge since he was intoxicated. It's still rape. The fact that the top was literally questionning whether or not he should be doing this with someone drunk is enough to say that so.. he definitely shouldn't! That's just my views

Was this perfect or what? Babies would have been better but it's okay, I still think this is perfection.

Not sure if that's a retoric question or not, so... excuse me beforehand?
But no, this is in fact as far from perfection as I could imagine. I could write a kilometric list with the things wrong in this story, put there just for the sake of fantasy.
The fact that it's not real doesn't make it right...

Yes, I know. I was exaggerating. I had low expectations but found myself enjoying it so I was surprised and wrote it in the moment. And I don't understand, just because it's not real does make it right? I never say what he did was okay, I'm just into toxic things these days.
Basically what I'm trying to say is I'm just reading stupid stories to get away from reality for a bit and making stupid comments just for the sake of having fun. I find it unnecessary to have to comment something like this but who am I to stop you. Have a nice day.

Okay if you didn't have bad intentions, then no problem. I apologize for being kind of bitter too. I thought you were looking down on me for liking this and got defensive.
For discussion, I like this because it's short, straight to the point, and unrealistic. I'm having a hard time in real life so it's fun to read something very unrealistic. Plus since it's short, I don't have to get to emotionally invested and be sad when it ends.

No, no, that was not the case. There are many things in this world I don't understand how people may like them, and still I try to remain respectful of their opinions because naturally the opposite can happen as well, other people not understanding my own likes. You need to respect in order to be respected, even if an understanding is not always possible.
Though I get your reason of liking this due to it being short, and not needing to become attached. Also the part of it being unrealistic, because (I hope I'm not putting my foot in my mouth again) if this were real, it would be awful. Would we agree on that point? Though in real life, we know terrible things actually happen.
Sorry to hear you're having a bad time. If it helps any, I'm too. And just like you, I try to distract myself reading something entertaining. But in my case, or in this specific manga case, I expected something more positive... maybe that's also why I was irked, because I had another expectations? It's not my place to tell the mangaka how to write their stories, there's a lot worse things floating around.
Why is this so good. Now I can't get over it
Same... Everyday I come back here to see the updates