I'm the type of commenter who mostly focus on the book's flaws and complaint about it and yet I can't see any flaws in here.
The phasing is unique, it's skipping a lot but it was made sure to focus only on what's necessary while still maintaining the flow. it was simply beautifully phased.
The story is perfectly balanced, it seems like a short and fast story and yet we can see all the characters' role clearly, even the side characters are protrayed well.
And the ending? I'm crying it's sold out! and he can go wherever Takano is, let's just pray he won't be transferred overseas.
The Mangaka and his Editor really did a good job
basically Uke's doing all the work then Todou for some reason wanted to hide something which happened to be just something silly which in turned become annoying as it's not something to be hidden especially from your lover lmao. bro clearly do not trust Kirishima.
and I fucking hate how he basically "it's now always good to tell the truth" or something like that, while I do agree to some extent. Does her mom looks like shes gonna disown his son for being gay? ffs it's obviously her mother would be overjoyed by it even.
it's a plot where you'll love it or hate it kind but it ultimately depends on the reader of course.
A lot will find the whole 'Love Understanding' thing beautiful while some might find it annoyingly stubborn.
anyway It's a great match, Sensei's stubbornness and Shishio's Patience.
it's unpredictability made me love this.
First time a story made me change my ship.
halfway through; I'm rooting for Kitaka to end up with El but we all know how that end up to unhappiness.
so the red string of fate basically become obsolete? then what's the point, shouldn't Hara's string already connected to Kaoru if he really love him?
like I get that the story is basically saying, "my feelings are stronger than any string or fate" but wouldn't that make the whole string thing useless?
you'll hate me for this but if the story kept insisting Hara's string is connected to that Manager then cheat already.
who knows what would happen after that, this could be another 'Life Senjou no Bokura'
Hamura is selfish and It's not hard to think he'll end up as a hot headed husband in the future basing on how he handle things.
Jin on the other hand is being inconsiderate by letting Alex stay on his side. that's another level of inconsideration to Hamura's side considering Jin already knew Alex's intention.
Alex, well I'm kinda rooting for him for saving Jin.
the cover was so good yet I ended up not finishing this
Can't find this BL Manga:
>Childhood friends
>Homeless uke was picked up in the street by the seme when they were kids
>Uke became a servant for Seme
>Uke have a scar on his face(?)
>Seme had to go overseas
>Uke waiting for the seme
>Uke is being mistreated while Seme was away
right??? :D
then his father will beg for forgiveness right???
Predictable and what's with every BL Manhwa always including a secondary couple?
It's cliché but it ain't outright bad, could have been better if they have an editor because obviously they don't have one.
and what's with that threat? just fucking file a lawsuit thats whole ass defamation! for fuck sake!
and Idk what to feel with sensei, i just think he doesn't deserved to be loved by Katou at that level.
They clearly both love each other but a mistake was made which lead to another and is trying their best to move on but their love and friendship are obviously heavier
I doubt both of them will be satisfied with their current relationships. they will long for each other as long as they live (based on how the book portray their relationship)[raws]
In the raws, the last part is such a cliffhanger and there's no telling who's the endgame but im still rooting for Yachiyo but still feel bad for the girl and Kyoto, however let's not ignore Ouiji and Yachiyo's beautiful past. I also do not like "Too late" Plots.
I also feel like Kyoto can move on way more easily than those two. And the wife... I just don't want her to get hurt more so file the divorce babe.
cause I have a bad feeling about the character's personality in the cover and oh boy am I correct!
and that jerk alpha, man this ones an infuriating read. the fact that the Mangaka left that shitty character untouched, means they're not bothered by how awful the character is. like at least give him a panel where he got slap ffs
I know the uke's circumstances is pitiful but that doesn't justify what he's doing with Tsugitsugu.
it has the absolute potential to be one of the best ones in BL though kinda glad it leaned onto cheerful, easy going environment instead.
if the mangaka leaned onto making it more sad, like Rui getting arranged married in france or the whole homopobhia shits from families and other stuff like that making them struggle as a couple blah blah...