aloe August 17, 2023 8:04 am

just re-read this and how come I rated this 4 star when its fucking annoying. what the seme did is unredeemable so now that he couldn't get what he wants he'll torture himself? isn't that so childish and pathetic. the manga may portray it that he became malnourished due to being depress but deep down we all know he did that so the uke will take pity on him. i would say the uke is weak but compared to other ukes that has been treated harshly this one is quite stronger actually and at least tried to move-on and reject the seme at first which i wished he continue to do so.

    Nanatsu September 13, 2023 7:41 pm

    SAME. I rated it a 4 star when I first read it years ago. I guess life has just showed me otherwise

aloe August 16, 2023 12:14 am

so based on the last updated chapter, it safe to say Kei is REALLY leaning onto Taku but in a slowly way though

so Sensei you better not disappoint us.sishegushddhd

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