again, the seme did some a horrible thing but of course happy ending even though the redemption isn't enough, the uke's kind and weak heart couldn't be leave the seme.
and oh my god the use of the negative filter in one of the chapter is so funny
also theres a lot of panels where they be looking like they have some kind of body disorders (except for the sister)

first story is infuriating. never once we see the seme suffer for what hes done.

what he did isn't deserving of jail time, yes.
But the pain his childish dumb decision caused which affected the uke's mentality and a good chunk of his youth? Certainly he needs to feel some remorse on that part.
and when the uke finally confronted him about that, what he did was to basically guilt trip the uke about the whole situation by ignoring the uke and that scene at the library, that's worse than getting yelled at; the uke basically saying what is wrong but that look on his face certainly isn't showing regret.

beating up that cheating shit is satisfying. i mean theres only too few bls with scum characters getting beaten.
the ending is also satisfying. they both said they couldn't have the same relationship like in the past but they really do love each other, he only cheated because hes horny. not because he fell in love with another.

just re-read this and how come I rated this 4 star when its fucking annoying. what the seme did is unredeemable so now that he couldn't get what he wants he'll torture himself? isn't that so childish and pathetic. the manga may portray it that he became malnourished due to being depress but deep down we all know he did that so the uke will take pity on him. i would say the uke is weak but compared to other ukes that has been treated harshly this one is quite stronger actually and at least tried to move-on and reject the seme at first which i wished he continue to do so.
JSDF is quite the opposite irl. if someone like Yaotome is in whatever branch of JSDF he'll be living in hell.