I like how things are going but I really hope the author goes more into Jaekyung’s (long hair dude for the people like me who suck at names) background. I’m rereading the story and I totally think Jaekyung had a crush on Gunjoon wayyyy before they ever slept together. I mean he was staring at him and knew his name and everything. Ahhh I just hope we see his POV at some point!

Honestly the longer I read this the more I’m realizing it’s not a story that’s mean to actually be deep. I think the author just has a “no sir” “yes sir” toxic relationship kink and this is their fetish dump story.

yeah definetly, power imbalance in relationships are a huge sign of abuse...the rape too I've saw shit about a guy who murdered his wife and the family said they found it strange that she and her children always called him "sir" like he was the leader or something. Turned out he was raping her and molesting the kids behind her back, so definitely a little weird. The case was like 9 or 10 years ago so i cant relaly rememebr the deets but this just made me think or it.
Does anyone have the link to the raws???