His boss behave like a lover in so many ways and sometimes he's just like "please personal space" and one second later "come, gimme a hug". Even though they are tender to each other, you can't always ask for a form of affection (the one he wants from the verbal cobtract they made) then put distances as you wish. He's probably protecting himself, but... so harsh.
Am I the only one who saw her Chanel shoes ? https://lefermoirdemonsac.fr/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Escarpins_Chanel_Noir_Blanc_Vintage_Entier.jpg
Cute chapter, this reference to the Pixar's movie was adorable.
They are one of my fav BL couple of all the time. There's something real about their relationship, it's very well done. Everytime I read a new chapter, I see these two growing more and more, learning to understand each other, trying to fix their bad habits and elevating one another with their sincerity and their kindness. Asahi seems to be hated by a lot of people around here (and I remember I've already posted a loooooong comment about it) and I don't understand why. Is it that much of a problem to have grey character ? Masato isn't immaculate neither. They are both adults who are in love with each other but have to deal with their past, their failures, their wounds. And this is how it goes in real life you know. Building a relationship is learning about your partner everyday, seeing them changing, growing, elvoving and trying to match their pace. And the parallel between Asahi's work and how he has to build this relationship with Masato is very interesting. Minaduki Yuu does a great job. I love her work.
The level of fluff is high.