I know he doesn't want to get hurt but will he ever pitch again
After soo many chapters they still haven't figure it out yet it's really sad. Tell me when they figure out she's their daughter.
Nah man he is way more immature than you. He threw a tantrum not that long ago...
So far this is pretty cool for a spin-off. I remember if it was already mentioned. But I really need to know, if Hye-sung is using is degree. I really want to know if he is working.
They are both playing with each other.... does it get resolved soon?
I wanna see him act for things that are not thrillers/psychological
I feel a bit uncomfortable the mc is too innocent and he's being taken advantage of
The mom is so cute!
I find her hilarious, she's needs more screen time.
I want to read some omegaverse manga that I haven't read yet anybody got any good recs
Fuck life sometimes....
Someone give me some really good recs I don't feel like sleeping