I hate to ruin your expectation guys and girls.
It was done by none of the current 'main' characters.
There would be new antagonists. (Bitches to be exact)
nope u r wrong, its not a spoiler its just UR opinion.
He tian fans are getting so desperate for him to have a chance with Jian Yi they would even be satisfied with him being a bad guy to get it. They want it to be him so bad just for him to have a shred of a chance. What they don't realize is if it was him that would only kill his nonexistent chances further. Jian Yi will not be pleased with someone doing that to Xi.
Oh ffs, what's the point of pretending anymore since both of you already confessed to each other.
Just show me senpai's big dingdong!!
haha the bath scene he was advertising seme' big d so we better see it :9