What the fuck was that?(╯°Д °)╯╧╧ What with that past thing? It's like they're still not over. They shouldn't have made that extra

Feel the same way. I was wondering what really was the purpose of that anyway? So they were close back then, big deal. Did you have to make it look like Ryouji still had feelings for him, even though now he has Hane? I'm sure it's more like friendship love and admiration now, but the last chapter made the rest of the story feel unfinished, when at first it felt like it already was. I'm rambling sorry if I didn't make sense.

I felt like it was just mutual comforting (he always talked to him the whole time they had sex, president guy has a huge sister complex and I can imagine something going on for the twin there too) they didn't kiss in the end, and twin guy seemed to look up to president in an ankini (I'll follow you forever boss ) kind of way

U Know that saying "you will always love your First"? I think that's what the mangaka was going for. They not in love but they have love for each other. They are very much alike so it was easy bonding and helped each other in a time of need but the Love of being in a relationship is gone but the Love of a strong friendship is present. I mean plus they got physical with each other so their friendship would be more different and intimate than a friend who never seen u at your most vulnerable.

Maybe that was the intention of the mangaka, but the last one page shows much more than this... It's like he love him more than anythink in the world, so the feeling that he feel for Hane Hajime is like nothing...If i remember well... he said that he feel like piked a pet nothing more (︶︿︶)=凸.... I didn't like this...

I mean they both"lost" their younger siblings at the same time (twin boy & younger sister dating each other) They both became lonely without knowing it. So they bonded and had sex... what is difficult to understand.
They were young then now they are adults and kept their friendship and admiration for each other. That's about it.
I'd like it if they showed the character development