Can’t we just leave people Tf alone as long as what they do is consensual, legal and not harming anyone(⊙…⊙ )
People are not gonna stop having, consuming or making content of their/a kink just because someone on the internet don’t like it!
6 reply
Please, please, please stop spreading this site or tell people on any platform about mangago... several author has already reached out to get the uploaded to stop uploading. And one is currently threatening with suing (that bitch). At this point more authors is gonna know about this site, and that means a bigger chance for Mangago to get closed down!!
I need to know that their is still hope for humanity. So please! Tell me you know what exactly The hymen “Look”, is placed, and its function.. because damm i see so many who have zero idea about or learned something complete wrong. . . . . . . . . . (Basically the reason for this was because I read some hetero smut and they got the shit that’s probely why I like stuff with guys, No hymen you can fuck up)