CatherQ add 1 photos to Me And My Emotions

Ohh how I love revenge

CatherQ add 1 photos to Me And My Emotions

Smack that bitch

CatherQ add 1 photos to Me And My Emotions

Damn you just sprang that on us dodny ya

CatherQ add 1 photos to Me And My Emotions

What bright future

CatherQ add 1 photos to Me And My Emotions

Ummm ever heard of erasing the evidence

CatherQ add 1 photos to Me And My Emotions

Yes yes yes yes yes

CatherQ add 1 photos to Me And My Emotions

What is he? A dog??

CatherQ add 1 photos to Me And My Emotions

Bro that took me out

CatherQ add 1 photos to Me And My Emotions

Nah they should get their nuts shoved so far down their throat they choke on them

CatherQ add 1 photos to Me And My Emotions

Someone’s mad

CatherQ add 1 photos to Me And My Emotions

Don’t tell me your Gina brush your teeth after lunch

CatherQ add 1 photos to Me And My Emotions

Nah you’re just creepy

CatherQ add 1 photos to Me And My Emotions

Bitch I bet you we never called the Scandinavian air anything positive

CatherQ add 1 photos to Me And My Emotions

awww omg that’s adorable

CatherQ add 1 photos to Me And My Emotions

Jesus fucking mother of Jesus Christ wtf

CatherQ add 1 photos to Me And My Emotions

Better be careful their or I’m gonna rip you’re off

CatherQ add 1 photos to Me And My Emotions

For the love of god someone please murder her