WHY IS THAT THE ENDING. bruh. There was so many ways to end it at that part of the story and it not feel rushed or prolonged like maybe a clear path for their future or a time skip not just ending it like that it feels like the story just got sliced it was so good too what a waste
Ok so I saw an add for this one manga were this girl was transported into a world where men are way more superior than women and she used to be a fashion designer so she decided to change the fashion. She has to dress as a boy to do it tho. Anyone know what its called?( ̄∇ ̄")
Mangago lover. I love manga I love anime, animals, food and friends had for 2 years before I realized making an account was easier than getting redirected every 5 seconds
WHY IS THAT THE ENDING. bruh. There was so many ways to end it at that part of the story and it not feel rushed or prolonged like maybe a clear path for their future or a time skip not just ending it like that it feels like the story just got sliced it was so good too what a waste