Cervellerain May 14, 2020 4:43 pm

This is the kind of story that I just want to keep reading on and on and on. Very sweet, light and cute. I hope there's more, but anyway... Well, it's really great. Read it, you'll like it as well.

Cervellerain May 9, 2020 4:27 pm

Thinking if you should read this. Go, yes go! You won't regret it, I swear. With so much drama and problems irl, it's so good to read stories about lovers being firm, expressive, and committed in making their relationship work. Exactly the kind of fluff and positivity that we need.

Always the best: a young but hard-working, understanding, considerate and loving seme; and a troubled and traumatized, but caring, decisive and loving uke. It makes all the hardships so satisfying to read.

Just so refreshing compared to the all loving seme and all denying uke kind of thing. Mutual love, mutual effort, yes that's the best recipe right there!

Cervellerain May 3, 2020 4:57 am

If Heil and River don't end up together, I'm gonna flip the underworld and dry all the rivers in the world! That is, if I can. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
No matter what the back story of Khaol will be or any reverse emotional ride for what happened, he and Kaveri belong to each other. Their love had endured more than a thousand years. Just give those two a happy ending. Please. Heil + River, Khaol + Kaveri. Let's not make this amazing story so damn frustrating in the end. Although Khaol was a jerk, he still deserves to be happy, and Kaveri, too.

That so understanding and loving Heil? That sacrificial and kind River? Those two. They belong together.

    mivicio May 4, 2020 4:47 am

    I totally agree whit you I'm on RiverxHeil boat, and I think that the reason of why Kaveri and Khaol can't have their own happiness is because Khaol is reluctant to let his immortality and power, so for me they would have their happy "ending" if they go through the river of the underworld and reincarnate and try to find themselves again. But for that to happen he has to give up on those things.
    Because let's be realistic here, Kaveri won't be happy in the way he is right now, we all have to agree that Khaol is the worst partner, is not just because he let River die (and that a very BIG deal here and the upmost betrayal) but he is also making his "true love" suffer because of his egoism and self pity.

    EmoAngelDevi May 4, 2020 7:10 am

    100% agreeing with both of you. That's exactly how I feel as well. Thank to you two I don't have to type everything I was gonna say since you already said it .
    Oh n back to what #Cervellerain mentioned abt if it doesn't go with Heil n River 2gether? I was think abt that 2

    EmoAngelDevi May 4, 2020 7:12 am
    100% agreeing with both of you. That's exactly how I feel as well. Thank to you two I don't have to type everything I was gonna say since you already said it .Oh n back to what #Cervellerain mentioned abt if it... EmoAngelDevi

    Her comments are in one of the earlier relies thats like way in to where River n Heil were becoming friends n Khoal reading his lover letters.

Cervellerain April 29, 2020 2:35 pm

Read it! I said read itttt!!!! Read it so another hungry fujoshi will be screaming with me afterwards! Hahahah! It's the best short manga that I've read. The smut is so good and the development between them is better than fireworks. How I wish it's longer though. I love this one so much!

Cervellerain April 27, 2020 4:03 am

I'm so glad the seme finally got free from that bitch's clutches. Be the him and the uke deserve to be so happy. The smut only came at the end but surprisingly, I'm not frustrated at all (considering that I always look for smuts kekekeke!). The way their relationship developed was just too, too precious.

    Gwyn April 28, 2020 9:34 am

    I'm so sorry I meant to upvote your comment

Cervellerain April 26, 2020 3:19 pm

Preciousss! They're both so precious! A perfectly loving seme and an uke who knew just how to love back. All the seme's persistence, patience and hardwork really paid off. The uke gave back as much massive love as he received and it made the whole journey pleasant to read. I wish this kind of relationship to everyone. Hardships and trials were there but they always chose each other in every final decision they make. Soo heartwarming!

    flyhigh June 8, 2020 1:28 am

    I completely agree. I was so happy that the uke did not stay in his rut but came out of with stronger so that he could give back as much as he received. uwuuuu this kinda love should be for all

Cervellerain April 26, 2020 3:48 am

This one exceeds my expectations way too much!!! If you're thinking whether to read this or not, just dive in! The uke is annoying at first but his character development is amazing! I love him after he realized he loves the seme. The seme, on the other hand, is one of the best semes I've ever read! Too patient and considerate despite having his own hurts and issues, too loving despite being fragile, and just everything a seme of perfection is. Even his flaws are perfect! This manga is truly a masterpiece!

    abby1509 April 26, 2020 4:03 am

    Just because im reading this comment ,I'm going for it

    abby1509 April 26, 2020 8:28 am

    OMGGG I LOVE IT ,I love the seme and the uke was really cute. In the begginning the uke was mean because he was bad informed about homosexuals but now they love each otherrrrrr yeiiii

    Cervellerain April 26, 2020 8:56 am
    OMGGG I LOVE IT ,I love the seme and the uke was really cute. In the begginning the uke was mean because he was bad informed about homosexuals but now they love each otherrrrrr yeiiii abby1509

    Sooo good, right??? He was a very responsible and sweet lover to the seme after accepting his own feelings. He really made up so well with all the harshness he did at first. And the seme!!! Just, just tooooo adorable!!!

    abby1509 April 26, 2020 7:43 pm
    Sooo good, right??? He was a very responsible and sweet lover to the seme after accepting his own feelings. He really made up so well with all the harshness he did at first. And the seme!!! Just, just tooooo ad... Cervellerain

    yeahh trueee

Cervellerain April 25, 2020 1:06 pm

Yes, Daddy, that's the perfect, most 'sacrificial' and heroic excuse to catch that sexy, slippery kitty!!! Go, get him, Daddy! ヾ(☆▽☆)

Cervellerain April 24, 2020 1:23 pm

Explaining such a huge and painful thing to someone who's having a major brain problem shouldn't be like that. How you start the talk is very important. Could have been more thoughtful and sensitive especially if you love the person.

    Frau April 24, 2020 1:52 pm

    But didn't it really start the night before when Taeyoung came to Heejae in tears and they were all emotional and lovey? Now he's coming clean. If I think about it like that then this is easier to take. Cuz yeah...way to ease into the heavy stuff..

    LaFujoshi April 24, 2020 2:12 pm
    But didn't it really start the night before when Taeyoung came to Heejae in tears and they were all emotional and lovey? Now he's coming clean. If I think about it like that then this is easier to take. Cuz ... Frau

    That would've been it from taekyung's side if not for the fa t that he confrmed whatever happened yesterday wasn't a dream. Obviously he knows that heejae processes things differently bc of that brain trauma so least he could do was not act like those ahjummas in kdramas that are about to pay money and make the girlfriend go away or sumn like damn dude why you actin like a mafia boss to heejae when he's so obviously tryna grapple with reality??? Geez

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