Can someone please let me know if this ship is gonna crash on some f***in' rock after a few chapters of sailing? Please, please let me know so I can just stop here and let this candy part be my ending! I can't handle them not being together in the end. I can't, seriously. I'm too emotionally invested in these two already. So please, let me know.

I'm so damn confused! Three? How are they different? Only one is related to Hwa's blood and the other two are not? Why are they different? Please, someone, anyone, help me understand this chapter. ╥﹏╥

OK yes it was really confusing but what I got is that they’re all related by blood the only difference is that one of them basically has the blood (idea) Active which is more Vampiric while the other to have a form of (Idea) because idea said they are related by blood but (idea) is non-active in the other two meaning they’re Twins and closer to a werewolf or what originally The parents are because Hwa is in the first place a werewolf with idea inside him which is you know the father’s blood demon thingy That the vampires get but he’s a hybrid because he was born from father that is a vampire and a Nother father which is a werewolf and the one the conceived was the world Wolf so he’s originally a werewolf with the idea inside him

This is exactly the kind of story I love. Let there be hundreds of problems, dramas, hurdles, whatever, around them as long as they are not toxic to each other. As long as they love, support, help and stay true to each other. Because who doesn't have problems, right? But to have a partner/lover is to have someone to complete you and to make things better no matter how hellish things are. Just like what my partner always tells me when we fight, "I'm not your enemy."
So this is truly one of my favorites! The way their characters and relationship develop and become stronger are so, so adorable!

Dropped it at chapter 26 but I never liked it the moment I learned about how great, loyal, sweet and thoughtful his boyfriend is. The uke is a total trash with no other excuse but his pretty face and lewd body. Like seriously, what the fuck is this story even??? He played with two amazing men and still, he was being loved and almost worshipped by both??? Total bullshit. So stressful, a total waste of time.

Fuck this manga!!!! It keeps on taking my breath awayyyyyy!!!!! I'm dying for these two! Please, please, please let them end up together. I have no space in my heart for Khaol no matter what kind of bullshit cover he'll pull out in the end. No, River certainly doesn't need him, nobody needs him! You know, we can all be freaks and creeps at some point of our lives but he really went overboard with that. He just took the one-way ticket down the hate road. ( ̄へ ̄)
I love it. So light and stress-free, I really enjoyed everything. The fluff and sweetness was too much that I finish it so satisfactorily!