Ok, I guess JK now tasted what it was like when Dan was visibly infatuated with him and proclaiming his love and he may want to get that feeling back. Since Dan was drugged, he won't act the same way again UNLESS JK changes and pursues him. And in that pursuit he actually falls in love himself blah blah that's one of the redemption arc theories lol
Oh, and he's going to lose big time in one of the upcoming matches, so cue a humbling experience.

Gorgeous art and a wonderful story. Though they way the boy looks like a 10yo child who hasn't aged in the 5 years that supposedly passed made me uncomfortable enough to skip any love scenes. Such a rare find to have a story and art so fabulous, so it was a shame for me, oddly young looking characters in adult scenes make me feel uneasy. I see no reason to make them look realistically like young children and then portray love scenes. But that's just my opinion and feelings.

Definitely not complaining, just curious if there's is a reason the lightsabers are suddenly gone and we finally have a full picture? Or is it a redraw?

Don't think it's a redraw at all, I've read a couple of other l*zhin bl titles that also suddenly have uncensored chapters and usually the uh private parts seem to genuinely match the art styles? And they do technically have uncensored versions but as far as I know it's usually for physical releases.
Can someone tell me if the R15 version is the original uncensored version, like in the raws, or is it still limited and some scenes/parts of adult content are skipped/cut?
R15 is the censored version, but honestly it doesn't feel incomplete. I have read both and, personally, sex scenes get boring/repetitive if you are reading for the plot (Looking at you Sign Language), so I very much prefer the censored version. I can still see the romance while skipping the smut.
The uncensored version has been translated until only c.64
Thanks so much for replying! I can see where you're coming from and I agree, though with this particular author I really enjoy the erotic scenes, as she draws them so beautifully and sensually, so I'd love to see everything. Hopefully the adult version will be released as well
Omg i know right? She’s like one of the few authors that really know how to draw an erotic scene. They’re always so beautiful drawn and just draws you in even more to the story.