omg this chapter!!!thank you nao for putting takano's selfish ass in place. takano bro you need to chill why have so little faith in your boy onodera, man we need haitani's salty ass in this mix please sensei bring him back lol but all in all i'm glad onodera has a friend for him and i hope it doesn't go in a bad route like oh im in love with you now, just let nao be a friend who's there for him. i wish they could grow more in a relationship and this countdown is it still going on or did it die down? are we close to an I love you or???

this cliffhanger is killing us by now so will sensei drop a new chapter(idc if she pulls a crimson spell and gives us four pages something is something isnt it?)oh and volume 8 is it out in the states yet? can i buy it on amazon or is it on some other market?

Nope, it's not out. DMP even lost the license a couple weeks ago, allegedly because of a breach of contract (no details were given), and their contract officially finished on June 30rd. So crossing fingers that next week Sublime announces that they acquired the license, or no localisation for English readers.

What if it is the end of vf? And like dmp dropped it for this reason?

this has nothing to do with that. Only Yamane Ayano has control over her manga and she has no intention of stopping. she's just been busy with the release of the 8th volume.

DMP didn't drop VF. Libre dropped DMP and withdrew licensing for all of their manga, not just Finder.

the thing that bothers me about onodera and takano is the slow process in thier "relationship" like the minute they make some progress it goes back to square one. idk why but I really dislike this back and forth quarrel like you fucked and other stuff yet you still act like pent up bitches. onodera if you really don't love him then distance yourself from him, you get anxious cause the moment takano shows no affection towards you, you get emotional about it. takano, i give you props for waiting to be with your first love but man can't you see that harassing him like this will get you no where, especially bullying him. I wonder how sensei plans to end this because it's really laughable at this point they been in love but just too stupid and prideful to admit it, i like the other couples more because they actually show progess in thier relationship(yokozawa and kirishima are prime examples, wish sensei focus more on them than these onodera and takano cause its just too annoying)whatever sensei does with them better be worth it cause honestly this shit shoulda been wrapped up ever since the chapter under the rain

Well the series started with the narrative construct that it'll basically take an entire year for them to get together, so while it's frustrating, it shouldn't be surprising ;)
I'm actually ok with how slow going it is because they're obviously both extremely emotionally immature, they seem to have gotten emotionally stuck back 10 years ago, and they're both at fault because they're both insecure. Takano's afraid of being left again so he figures he should just assault with what broke them up in the first place (laughing instead of saying i love you- so now he just says it never-endingly all the time) and he doesn't seem to think much about what the future of them being together would be like other than some dumb shoujo manga way of thinking (get together -> be rabu rabu -> happy ending). Onodera is the opposite in that he's completely overthinking it and has become pessimistic so his assumption is that they're going to break up anyway especially since they fight so much. But they obviously can't help being drawn to each other and are very physically attracted to each other, so they can't stop falling into bed (well.. also this is a yaoi manga, so...). And also, Onodera has trouble trusting because since they've met again, Takano continually says one thing and nearly immediately does the opposite!! He’ll tell him he’ll wait years for him, but then he impatiently demands he immediately confess his love. On more than one occasion he’s told him he won’t try anything and then basically immediately has sex with him. So it’s no wonder it’s taking them freaking forever. With a 10 year gap and the fact that breaking up seemed to give them both some kind of weird emotional PTSD it makes sense that things would need to progress pretty slowly to get anywhere near being a healthy relationship.
All that said, am I the only person who HATESSSS the Yoshino/Hatori story? Yoshino is dense beyond shoujo manga heroine dense and is pretty much a huge a-hole for continuing to string along their other childhood friend, even after he’s technically been dating Hatori for more than a year!!!!
Yukina and Kisa seem to be the only somewhat normal ones with healthy progression.

well dunno i actually like the main couple over the rest and onodera is actually inlove and showing it in action even if not in words and takano isn`t bullying him he`s actually very patient but even the most ppatient person in the world have a limit where they blow up at times and get insecure so ..yeah
i hope we can get the new chapter already and honestly not all of us can spend our couns freely. that's why we come here so why ya mad? if you're spending your coins you got nothing to worry about, why are you lurking up in sites like this? I honestly feel like you come up and write your life story just for the attention