The incest was fine to me but the way this was written makes it hard to care about the MC. He had so many chances to learn from the pain he put his older brother from and just kept getting worse. I agree with the person that said this would be better suited as a tragedy. It had potential but the ending just wasn't satisfying. If the older brother loves him back it would have been nice to see them share more good moments but everything was just possessiveness, abuse, and manipulation.

Why do y'all always do these old uploads?? What was the reason for raising our hopes? Is it boredom? And worst of all, it's in the wrong order. I've read this entire series at least 20 times throughout the years and the odds of getting an old volume update with something NOT already here is rare. Like just look through the chapters before assuming it's not here and reuploading the same stuff we've seen
This couple is too cute!! The age gap is nice touch as well lol~ I bought all 4 of the physical books like 2/3 years ago but was sad only the first book was translated (online). I'm happy to finally enjoy more of the story. Shindou is just so kind & caring to toshio