I called it!! I can't wait to see the rivalry that occurs between Tsubaki and that blond guy lol. The results are obvious considering Tsubaki x Yuu are end game but I can't wait to see how he prevents that guy from getting too close to Yuu. I feel like Higa will probably give him some pointers. Speaking of, it's been a while since we saw Higa. It'd be nice if this gets a sequel focused on Higa finding love

Whoa this was brutal. I wonder how this story will end. These type of stories that start with noncon typically end up with the receiver getting addicted once the sex gets more "normal" so I wonder if this will be that way. There's also the possibility of an ending like painter of the night / bj alex where the characters are redeemed and fall in love. But I imagine this will ending by him becoming the guy's sex slave. I wonder if there will be any side pairings to this

This story is too cute~ I'm sure Shindou feels bad for Toshio not being accepted by the girl's mother. I cant wait till he's able to get more friends. Also, the way Toshio and Shindou's relationship has blossomed makes me smile. They are too sweet ~ I wish we got to see more steamy toshio dreams like from volume 2 but oh well lol
These two are hilarious and I'm glad to see that the author revisited this story. I can't wait to see more