I enjoy this author's dark works including this one. It's twisted and it shows just how that man ruined his life. The man is under the impression that he's not at fault because he claims to not force his victims but we can see just how bad of an impact he's left on on that boy. The boy became obsessed with dabbling in dangerous situations and is unable to move past the man who groomed him. It's sad to see but also very interesting. The story said to be continued at the end of ch.4 but here we are 6 years later and no updates lol. I'll see if the author had any additional pages on their Twitter, if it's not discontinued that is. I hope the boy will be able to find a good partner or that the man changes and end up with him like in Little inferno
This story is too cute~ I'm sure Shindou feels bad for Toshio not being accepted by the girl's mother. I cant wait till he's able to get more friends. Also, the way Toshio and Shindou's relationship has blossomed makes me smile. They are too sweet ~ I wish we got to see more steamy toshio dreams like from volume 2 but oh well lol
Thank you as always translator Kudou!!! And I love the alternative fantasy au the author adds as extras it's always a nice change of pace from the regular story. It's cute that isogai is now along for the ride lol. Imagine they start having sex while isogai is just there pfttt. Though he's already seen them nearly go at years ago
Kinda unrelated but, does anyone know if takanaga hinako still publishes this manga in a physical book (not gush magazine but her own book) anymore? My physical manga of this series only goes up to volume 11 for the English copies but it seems even the Japanese copies doesn't go up to the recent volumes
This extra was so cute and hilarious!! I guess bathroom stuff is too overstimulating for senpai which makes since. It's awesome to see him develop in their relationship and communication. And kanako always knew lmao especially when she called their fight a lovers quarrel in the beginning the art is also lovely as always! The second to last page of the extra was too hilarious aswell lol. I hope this manga goes on for many more years
Right! I saw the prequel and yeah no one can fool her at this point lol the closet is glass. I forgot that she called them and it makes this even funnier. Slightly unrelated but I really love how this series is more than just something you translate. It's clear you really appreciate the series and I ty for all the translations!!
These last two updates were really cute. I think it's great that Yuu is now considering how much Tsubaki's love language is gift giving. It's nice that he's thinking of things to give Tsubaki too. I think Yuu feels like not directly giving a gift may seem like ignoring Tsubaki's efforts in courting him. I look forward to see what gifts he may give ~ it's sweet to see how blushy Yuu gets thinking about all this.
Also we're now seeing that the blond guy she's yuu as a stand-in for his girlfriend. It'll be interesting to see what drama comes from this. I take it that we'll soon see a tougher side of Tsubaki as he claims Yuu lol