I agree with a lot of people on the comments saying this ending wasn't very satisfying. It hurts to see a person void of any empathy like Jaekyung to get involved with someone like Dan. It hurts to see that he thought Dan was planning to leave because the sex was weird, and not because he shouted and humiliated him. It hurts to think Dan felt bad about his work ethics, when nothing was wrong about it and he did his very best.
Does Jaekyung think shouting and saying the must hurtful things is *nothing*? Why was he so surprised Kim Dan left? Like, for real, I'm out of words of how this character isn't held accountable for anything he ever does. Did he think Dan would stay even though he said he was a spy? That he couldn't do his own job right? That he accepted money from the other team? Did Jaekyung thought he would stay even though he said Dan means nothing to him and he should do his job right or he'd be replaced? Like?????? Does he mean anything he says?? HE MADE DAN HATE HIMSELF.
And HOW FUCKING SAD to see Dan just going back to his room right after Jaekyung came. How heart breaking is this when we know he was in love with him and was rejected so brutally? It was just sad to see him serving him.
Please, I just want Dan to feel a bit at peace. Literally giving money to Jaekyung is waaaaay better than having to stay with him. I really hope this character understands this. I really hope that he won't come back so easily. Please, Dan, I'm begging you. Please do not come back to this torture anymore. No money can pay peace of mind and dignity.
Next season should be really different from the first! This is my expectation. The reasons Dancito was working for Spirit were because of his grandmother and the money he owed.
Spirit gained A TON of money from Dancito. Since he came in horseface's life, his carrer escalated VERY quickly and also the price for his fights. I'm telling you, since he became so fucking popular, he must've gained an enormous amount of money. All of this because Dancito was helping him with his every need all the time. Danonito doesn't owe him shit now. Spirit should've gained even more than what Dancito owed him. Dancito should LEAVE. That's what I'm hoping for, I want him next season to not feel OBLIGATED to JJ.
I love Dancito but he'd be far more interesting if he had some critic sense and saw JJ for what he is, which is a *very* flawed human being. The author keeps pushing this narrative of how JJ is admirable but he isn't. Dan isn't a fighter, he's got no reason to admire him. Who the fuck gives a fuck about him if he's not even a decent human being?
I also hate how horse face is completely blind to Dan's personality. horse face only sees himself and his prior experiences, he can't understand Dan at all. in other words: the bitch fucking stupid as shit. honestly, no tragic past could ever convince me of his actions. He so fucking dumb that he wanted to FIRE Kim Dan! DUDE! If this is a dark bl, this seme is also useless, like??? wasn't he supposed to keep torturing him? *SIGHS*
Well, whatever, I just think that the author should go to the route of Kim Dan's change, it would be interesting to read and also very enjoyable.
one thing that keeps coming to my mind is that Kim Dan doesn't owe anything to horse face. like, of course the guy trains a lot, but if he's only able to win because of his jinx, Kim Dan made him gain A TON of money. it's been said on the manhwa that his popularity ESCALATED after Dancito's arrival. so, if anything, Kim Dan doesn't owe him any money, not hospital money or anything of the sort.
Honestly, it makes me MAD how horse face said Dan loved money when it's OBVIOUS he's not like that at all. it's so unfair!
I'm annoyed at Danzito too, but I like him so much, he's so much tougher than he imagines! He just needs to stand up for himself more, but he's such a darling and at the same time, he could punch Joo two times, and he's able to handle *a lot* of pain. I really wish this story could give Danzito more space for him to realize his own strengh.
I just can't get over the fact Jaekyung thought Dan was still in his house. This guy has severe mental problems.