Xixi loves Jian Yi! & I see why Jian Yi he loves him so much too! Even without sleeping, and worrying all night about Jian Yi, dealing with his friend trying to act like he forgot about what happened... Xixi is acting calm, and he wants to know about JY's feelings openly, he doesn't want him to suffer any more. Look how considerate the guy truly is. When ppl confess to me I'm such a bitch! I always think that this is a bother, I thought I'd never have patience. And I always regret the shitty things I've said back then because I didn't know how to deal with these things. Xixi is so nice, he doesn't want to see Jian Yi crying because of him, he cares so much. Xixi loves Jian Yi! nkdjsnjknjkds

I don't even want them to make sex anymore, I just want Kurose to apologize for everything and then cuddle with Shirotani-san to make him feel loved. jkdnkv pls kurose regret the shitty things you've said and stop acting like a dog in heat

I agree... But half of me think... Better this way... My fujoshi instinct kicks up... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

His father should apologize NOT Kurose.

**** apologise damn typos.

Oh well 7 people agree with this comment?so why the f*** are you keep reading this manga if you hate the poor Kurose this much??? I don't understand.

She only criticized his actions she didnt say she hates him. ( ̄∇ ̄")

No prob. (●'◡'●)ノ

English is not my native language so I’m sorry about the mistakes and everything~
There's one thing that is bothering me a lot! When I was rereading the kuzexatsumu chapters, I found pretty strange the way Kuze met Kusakabe. Like, the uke was playing basketball and someone (nobody knows who) hit him with the ball. We know he wasn’t even participating this much in the match, we know he’s not good with sports. Someone did this on purpose. He bleeds, and this thing must have hurted A LOT. Nobody found it strange because he was the target anyway. Ok.
Then Kusababe goes to the infirmary and Kuze is – ~HOW CONVENIENT~ - there. The girl must have entered there because she was chasing him and, he, for not act strange or anything & she not get mad & suspicious at him, he was making out with her. Soon as Kusakabe entered the room he wanted to stop. She could also be an excuse for him to be there.
He act sooooo sober and everything. Nooo – let me take care of youuuu (was he the chief of the infirmary or anything idk), like a hero lol how manipulative
MAN, I THINK KUZE ORDERED TO SOMEONE HIT KUSAKABE WITH THE BALL for him to enter the infirmary to talk to Kuze! Like, there is the perfect place! Nobody would see them, Kuze is alone with the needy & target Atsumu, everybody else was playing basketball. Other option would be strange: anyone could see them or maybe Kusakabe could get suspicious of his suddently good actions. He was gentle to gain Kusakabe’s trust (remember when he was so emocional because someone was gentle with him! Kuze totally calculated that). And even jerked him off because Kuze wanted him to depend him also physically, just look at the way he seduces Atsumu. The seme knew everything he wanted to do with the uke that time.
This is important because we can see here that Kuze is capable of violent actions against Atsumu to get what he wants of him (after all, Atsumu’s nose was bleeding). Just like Karino. Well, Kuze is very smart and terrible at the same time. I don’t know if I still can trust him. Maybe it was Karino’s idea to punch Kusakabe¿ Idk. But he’s dangerous to the little rabbit..................
I think Kusakabe is different from the other characthers because he is not evil. Yes, he has mental illness. But a depreciative one. Depression and anxiety, this can turn him into a “dangerous” (I like to think “impulsive” is the right word) person, like we saw on the last chapter. But he does not want to be like that. His feelings are always on the edge, he just doesn’t know what to do. And Kuze surely doesn’t want him to find out.

I don't know either if we can trust Kuze but I think Kusakabe was damaged by all the bullies. You mentioned it: he can be dangerous because of depression and anxiety but I think his trauma can also lead him to being paranoid. Maybe, it was he (Kusakabe) who imagined Kuze's smile as a devil one altough it was maybe a gentle one.
It's a thing I like in this story: we don't know the truth about the characters. Are they nice or bad? Do they want to have fun at the expense of others or do they really want to confort them?
What the pupils have to undergo in this school is awful but the plot of this story is really great.
High five! hahahahahaha
I was looking for this comment! Loved that moment so much!! (≧∀≦)
Hhahahah me too, me too! And their faces were hilarious! ヾ(☆▽☆)