1 Bleach even tho I dropped it (I mean haven’t finished it yet)
2 naruto
3 aot
4 black clover
5 bnha
6 opm
7 haikyuu or fire force
(I’m actually beginner and there so much to watch...) reply
bout manga:
a guy like you - lonnnnggg soup drama shit .no.
an innocent sin - same ^
following namsoo to the bath house- art style and the whole story thingy
bloody taboo or vampire taboo forgot - only thing I find readable is lil hamster that's fckin all.
love or hate - I usually like 3sum but the beginning was bruhhh ma imaginary bonner died art...... reply
. . . I failed. And now im giving up before even trying. Its so hard for me bcz im introvert. But sometimes u gotta open up. Even knowing that..I can't do it.