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leelux October 18, 2024 3:58 am

Honestly, I don’t care how all yall complain about the authors stories but you don’t even bother to notice how they’re art is getting better and better with each story but still incorporate their own STYLE in it effortlessly. Don’t even get me started on how they have MULTIPLE stories that show how well they’ve come from before.ლ(´ڡ`ლ) I could tell IMMEDIATELY who the author was just by the facial features and that’s honestly because I LOVE the authors stories and I have read as many as I possibly could and even REREAD them because they ARE so good.

leelux September 21, 2024 12:48 am

The side stories caught me off guard. Once I read that the lord has passed while waiting for his lovely spring had I shed many tears in anguish as I believed I truly felt his pain only to find out that he kept their promise. Wishing upon the wisteria blooming deep into the winter they shall meet again and love each other right. Thank you to the authors and the uploaders for being able to share such a beautiful and heart wrenching story.

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Lord have mercy! 02-28 06:01
^HUGE DICKS MOMENT^ 08-13 04:57
Rough & Spanking 02-06 18:15
Hol 01-31 00:44
☺️ 08-16 21:33

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