this manhwa is kinda turning into a trashy story like author really needs to get her shit together and give us some interesting plot. its getting tedious to read exact same shit in every chapter. 34 chapters deep and plot hasn't moved from its starting piont maybe a tiny little bit but but it is still standing in the same spot it was in chapter 1
You're impatient, and it seems the plot has completely flown over your head. This is the plot. The author has given us insight in this chapter. Why do you want to see development so fast? That would be quite boring and the book will end fast. It can't come out of nowhere. It starts from somewhere you know.
Potn: development started in chapter 45 or so.
Roses and champagne: development started in like chp 30.
You can't just expect jk to be blushing whenever he sees Dan. Try to understand his character, he's an asshole who whores himself around just because of his jinx. This clearly means he doesn't develop feelings out of nowhere. He basically just wants sex from his partner. He sleeps with different men and the fact that he's stable with Dan for quite some time has shown us that Jk has an interest in Dan but he's still trying to figure himself out.
But yeah, my point is we have to be patient with the book. This is the plot and the author knows what their doing. Yeah.
when i said there is no development i don't mean that i want jk to be blushing every time he sees dan i know this is going to be a long story but its not interesting if u dont bring little bit of development or plot twists. at least author can show her characters different sides to keep readers entertained idk when other manhwas authors started character defelopment this is a different one from different author. its been 34 chapters and every single chapter contains exact same shit how is this entertaining? plus if author starts character development she needs some kinda of preparation phases u cant just give a shitty character like jk a development out of nowhere it needs to be shown little by little and u are telling me that author can't think about other interesting plots other than showing us how dan is abused every time? what is the plot up to the new chapter: jk abusing dan but every time its new fucked up way nothing interesting is happening anymore i mean if author cant think about anything else biased abusing her main character as a plot than its her problem she can write something thats not 18+ scene, abuse and etc. little by little bring development to characters it would be boring and rushed it will make this manhwa more interesting in my opinion but if u want to read same thing for all over again in new chapters than u do u
I get your point. Very much.
But You're talking as if no information has been spread in this chapter. Mingwa is showing more of Jaekyung's personality.
• The guy is possessive
• He's interested in Dan.
• He doesn't want to share, claiming what is his.
• He's somehow protecting Dan from being played by Hessung
• Dan is worried about Jk
• Heesung might back down or still fight for what he wants.
I get the way Jk exposed Dan was horrible. The guy is nuts but that's not the point of the chapter. The author wasn't showing how Jk is shitty. The author was showing how possessive Jk can be, openly showing us his deep interest in Dan.
What type of development are you talking about? Development has started since, but you all dismiss it because there is abuse. How do you expect the book to turn out? This isn't fluffs of sunshine. This is a mature story and the plot is his JINX, so it's expected that there will be lots of sex in this.
I feel Mingwa is doing a good job because if this book were complete and you were to read with no suspense, you wouldn't complain. It's just because you have to wait every ten days, that's what makes you this impatient with the book.
JK’s abuse has reduced. He's caring for Dan more than usual. Why are you talking like they have sex every day and every chapter?
This author just can’t make her characters likable (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸