Anyone care to give me story like this.. with a twisted or psychopath seme. Im totally into this shit .
Other than killing stalking and obey me cuz ive finished them
2020-11-13 05:02 marked

I'm way too lazy to summarize chapter by chapter, so I'll just provide a general summary. After Kangmu called the cops at the hunting lodge, Kirin and Kangmu are under suspicion about the events of the final murder but Kangmu is under especially heavy scrutiny for all of the murders since our favorite detective has access to a certain psychologist. This psychologist has seen Kangmu multiple times as an adolescent and thus, is one of the few people who's capable of pointing the spear of suspicion exactly where it belongs. Consequently, the detective calls in a hotshot expert to shed light on the truth of the final murder. This new expert manages to figure out that Kangmu and Kirin switched shoes while staging a perilous struggle in the forest (since their story is that the recently deceased guy tried to kill Kirin by throwing him off the cliff but that Kangmu managed to rescue him in time). The expert states that it's possible to convict Kangmu but only with solid evidence as opposed to conjecture. Mr. Detective tries his damndest to convict Kangmu with solid evidence via his forensic team as well as trying to get either Kirin or Kangmu to fess up to the truth. As of now, he's unsuccessful, though he did manage to plant a few tiny doubts in both of their heads. Another reason why the detective is hellbent on convicting Kangmu is due to the fact that he wants to separate him from Kirin, as he believes that Kangmu has enticed Kirin into his sick little world.

Some additional things:
1. Kirin finds a photo of himself that he's never seen before, in addition to letters of correspondence between Kangmu and his sister. Kirin then goes to Kangmu's apartment and demands to know how Kangmu met his sister. Kangmu admits that he met Kirin's sister at a hospice shortly before he went abroad to the U.S. He was visiting some unconscious old person (there was no mention of who it was) while the sister was there as a volunteer. The sister forces some small talk onto Kangmu and it turns out that they're both medical students, although Kangmu is a year higher than her. She then goes on and on about how much of a brother-complex she has while Kangmu disinterestedly thinks of how much of a chatterbox she is. Then, he says that, since the sister shared some things about herself, he thought, whimsically, that he might as well reciprocate and idly wonders if she, too, will reject him as abnormal and look at him in the same way you would a monster, just as his mother did. As it turns out, when he was little, his mother brought home a small white dog. As he gazed at the dog, he wondered if its insides would look as pretty as its outside and thus, sliced open its stomach and pulled out its innards. His mother came upon this scene and was, of course, horrified. On the other hand, the young Kangmu looked wholly detached since he didn't feel that his actions were either abnormal or wrong. When the sister hears his childhood tale, she, contrary to Kangmu's expectations, tries to console and empathize with him.
2. The sister then asks Kangmu to exchange contact details so that she can provide what little help she might be able to, since she realized that Kangmu wanted someone he could confide in. The two then keep up a correspondence and since the sister won't shut up about Kirin, Kangmu develops an interest/curiosity in Kirin and decides to go to his university to take a candid picture of him.
Now, this action means a lot to Kangmu, since he normally only takes pictures of dead things (which he started doing as a child in order to perfectly preserve dead things without having to deal with the fuss of rotting corpses and the issue of where to store them so his parents wouldn't find out).

There's a lot more to say, but I'll stop the summary here for now. Let me know if you want more.
Now, I know that there's much professional debate about whether psychopaths can feel empathy and the answers are mixed. So, let's not get into that and focus, instead, on this manhwa's portrayal of our resident psychopath, Kangmu. Kangmu is portrayed as a psychopath who can logically comprehend when as well as why people feel a certain way but it doesn't register emotionally with him—he has no emotional empathy. This fact is reflected when he comes across a devastated Kirin who was crying at the cremation locker of his sister (Kangmu was there because he had someone investigate what happened to the sister after he stopped receiving correspondence from her, which also proves that he cared about her. After all, she was the closest thing he had to a genuine friend, even if he didn't realize it. And besides, if he didn't care about her, he would never have bothered to investigate her status after she stopped corresponding with him, much less show up at her cremation site). Both Kangmu's facial expression as well as his thoughts are detached from the situation. Even so, he thinks, idly, about the contrast between the lively Kirin from the candid photo he took and the devastated, lifeless Kirin that lies before him. He thinks that he doesn't want Kirin to look like this--that he wants him to get back on his feet and be the way he normally is. So, he then gets to work planning everything: how to spread rumors about his little members only club, how to set up a system of surveillance cameras around all of the members' homes so that he can monitor their every move and act accordingly, etc.
So, the verdict thus far is: yes, he genuinely cared about Kirin's sister and yes, he genuinely cares about Kirin (after all, in addition to Kirin being the only living thing that Kangmu has taken a photo of, he is also the only person that Kangmu has thrown childish temper tantrums at when he thought that Kirin was showing signs of rejecting him). Did he feel pretty good when he killed some of the club members? Yes. Was he motivated, in part, to kill the club members since he now had a "legitimate" reason to kill humans instead of animals? Yes. Does any of this detract from the fact that he does actually care about Kirin and his deceased sister? Absolutely not. We, as humans, tend to have multiple factors that dictate our behavior at any one time.
2020-09-13 15:09 marked
This comment contains SPOILERS and is a continuation of a previous spoiler thread located here:

Okay, since I'm sick of people debating whether or not Kang Mu likes and or loves Kirin, let me first ask the question: what, exactly, is love? Is it simply having a favorable impression of someone? Is it simply liking someone because they're useful to you in some way? Or is it actually a term that's used to describe an amalgamation of (usually) positive feelings towards someone or something? As a matter of fact, although there is an official definition of the word "love" in dictionaries, it really isn't a simple concept, especially since many people have a subjective understanding of the term. Not to mention the fact that the majority of individuals don't really try to analyze their feelings towards others, usually because it's difficult and or bothersome to do so. For instance, do you "like" a certain person because they're attractive? Or because they have a good personality? Or because they're wealthy? Or because they buy you desserts all the time? What if one or a couple or all of those things disappeared? Would you still "like" them? Would you still "love" them? If the answer is no, then that's quite normal.

It's a fact that humans tend to operate based on a cost-benefit analysis, even if it's a subconscious tendency for some. Consequently, we tend not to "like" or "love" things and or people that are useless to us. I know this might put a damper on the extremely romanticized concept of "love" that the media has ingrained into us but it's true. Even if it's hard to accept, it's better to at least try so that you can gain a better understanding of yourself, of other people, and subsequently, the world around you.

Lastly, "love" truly does come in all shapes and sizes, as they say, simply because people are not the same! A certain person is capable of feeling emotions in an entirely different manner from another, not to mention expressing their emotions in an entirely different way.

Now, let's take a look at the relationship dynamics between Kangmu and Kirin as well as address whether Kangmu truly is an unlikable psychopath, a monster in human form with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

--> Kangmu developed an interest in Kirin after getting to know Kirin's sister
--> Kangmu cared about Kirin's sister because she was the FIRST PERSON in twenty-
something years who listened to him, sympathized with him, consoled him, and
more importantly, ACCEPTED HIM. The sister accepted a person who, as far as he
could remember, was rejected, not just by society, but by his PARENTS. As a child,
his father forced him to see countless doctors, specialists, etc., because he felt that
Kangmu's psychopathy was an unacceptable condition that needed to be cured.
However, all of the doctors stated that it COULDN'T be cured, only suppressed.
Therefore, Kangmu's psychopathy is an unalterable part of himself and to be told
that it's unacceptable means that his very EXISTENCE has been deemed
UNACCEPTABLE, that it's just plain WRONG. How could anyone, much less Kangmu,
be unaffected by that? Our resident psychopath is DEFINITELY capable of feeling
upset and he certainly has been upset by his condition his entire life, if in a very
detached way.
--> As Kangmu played his little killing game with Kirin involved, we can see that he
became infatuated with the feeling of being partners-in-crime with Kirin. Why?
Because the bond they share is deep--it's HEAVY, especially for Kirin,
since he consciously aided and abetted Kangmu in committing multiple crimes.
He might not have been able to do the deeds with his own two hands but the
ensuing GUILT of participating in a crime for the sake of his vengeance weighs
heavily on him, although it's not like he regrets his actions. He was grateful that
Kangmu was there to do the actual killing that he couldn't bring himself to do, even
though the victims deserved it. On the other hand, Kangmu has felt emotionally
and mentally isolated by his psychopathy his entire life. Thus, it's a matter of course
that Kangmu is quite ecstatic with this bond of being partners-in-crime with Kirin, since it
provides him with a sense of connection, camaraderie, etc., that he's been missing his
ENTIRE LIFE while normal people take it for granted in their everyday lives. And let's
not forget that Kirin is the second (and most likely the last) person to accept Kangmu
as he is.

I hope this enlightens my fellow readers!
2020-09-13 15:09 marked
Thank you so much for the english translation! Love this so much! <3 ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

For people who wants to read the raws of Unintentional Love Story.

I bought them all from mr blue. I will share them with you.

Akora told be about this app Its really helpfull to read the raws on my phone.

Have fun reading! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
2020-09-06 20:39 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2020-07-22 02:13 marked

I read up till Chapter 29 so far so I'm gonna give a half-assed summary from what I can remember lol
The karma that the uke is "suffering" in this timeline is from what the Past Emperor did in reaction to him

In the past, the uke would be openly defiant towards how psychotically possessive the Emperor is.
Eg. He cut his hair because the emperor mentioned how much he loves his hair and it belongs to him, which lead the Emperor killing all the maids who is supposed to take care of the uke

He starts shooting birds that they released, telling the uke that he can never fly away, wherever he runs off, he'll definitely capture him

When the uke tried to run away, the emperor broke his legs saying that it's his.

He kills off his consorts etcetc

Also there's this wine that the Emperor would give the uke, which causes him to "go into heat"(idk how to describe but you know lolol)
Although it is also like a poison, the emperor still forces the uke to drink it every night because that's the only time the uke would say that he loves the emperor

Eventually the uke gets addicted to it, and goes crazy trying to get everyone to have sex with him which causes the Emperor to go into another massacre

The Emperor realises how addicted the uke is to this "poison" and how insane he became and cried

Later on, the uke commits suicide, and the emperor says that line at the beginning where he will find him no matter what

The emperor also just kills anyone and everyone to gather up the bad karma points so that he'll be rebirthed to find the uke again


In the current timeline,

The Emperor ain't no saint either. He still has psychotic tendencies and won't hesitate to kill (duh) consciously but the uke will try and save them

The Green guy knows about the past because of records that he read before and he talks to the uke, to tell him to just go along with it, thinking that the seme would kill the uke the next day like he did the women

But the uke didn't want to have anything to do with the seme and just escapes but fails. The seme was surprised to know that the uke knows about using that path to escape.

Later on, someone that tries to assassinate the Uke by poisoning him which causes the seme to go insane and orders for the people responsible for taking care of the uke to be executed.

This is a repeat of what happened in the previous lifetime, when the uke cut his hair and his attendants got executed so he runs to the seme and offers up his hair. Saying that all of his hair, he'll give to the seme. It will belong to the seme

The seme thinks that it's funny that the uke thinks that his hair is special but he spares them

He dismisses that green guy knowing that he was the instigator.

Later on, the crown prince would be talked into pulling the uke's hair by a bitch(the consort) and the uke's attendant would try and stop the crown prince but the bitch is all like "how dare you touch the crown prince blahblah" and was going to punish him, but the uke protects her by saying that his hair belongs to the seme, he doesn't have long to live anyways, and is not trying to win the seme's affections. He just doesn't want to see anyone get hurt or die because of him. The bitch retreats and says that she'll verify it herself

The crown prince (he's 5) presents the hair he pulled off to the seme who chokes that kid and asked him who taught him to do that. He also guessed as much its that bitch cuz she tried to poison him previously. He asks his subordinates to find a big and fierce wild dog. The crown prince tells the seme that he just wanted to present him a gift cuz he heard that it's very precious to the seme and the seme asks him who told him that it's precious. The kid says that the uke told him
The seme affirms that answer saying that it is indeed very precious

The seme visits the uke, and when the seme mentions about his hair, the uke freaks out thinking he chopped off the kid's head. The seme said that when he let off the people previously because the uke begged him he was already seen as a joke

He tries to kiss the uke which the uke rejects. The seme tells the uke to protect his hair because it belongs to him

Then he tells the uke that he ordered for a wild dog to be released into the back Palace and see if the people there will turn into dog food the next day

The uke panics and tell him to not do it. The seme asks him, what he'll offer him in return this time. He asks for his legs, which the uke has a flashback when the seme breaks his leg because it's his. The uke panics, and the seme tells him to properly cherish them, because it belongs to him.
The uke refuses to believe that the seme knows what cherishing means and that this is all a front and its a lie.

The dogs gets along with the crown prince and the crown prince gives the uke sweets that promotes hair growth as thanks lol

// im getting I just say the things I remember

That wine, he forces the uke to drink it saying that he will sleep with him tonight
The uke reacts adversely because he has some sort of trauma to that wine
After drinking it, the uke tries to fight off the seme and he says that he knows what that "wine" is. The uke takes the shard (from the shattered wine bottle) and cuts himself. The seme stops him and tells him if he really hates him, just use that shard and cut the seme instead.
The uke "goes into heat" and the seme starts having pieces of memory rush into his head. He doesn't know that it's his memories yet but he stops and covers up the uke and leaves.

The green guy then gives the seme the record book and tells him about it. The seme realises that it's his memories is devastated. Because all the atrocities that he had committed, he is repeating them now. (so the uke will hate him) But the green guy tell him that the situation is still salvageable because he's not exactly like the past king.

it goes into flashback while the uke is suffering miserably from that wine poison

Past timeline (when they first met)

Uke has an older brother that tries to rape him
Uke's older brother blames the uke

Uke meets the Seme and falls for him because the seme entertained his dreams and they work together towards it.

Uke's brother attempts to rape him but the uke runs away. He bumps into the seme who sees his disheveled appearance and wow he suddenly turn psycho

Before this the seme seemed pretty nice lol


The seme remembers everything and he decides to stop being such a tyrant and thus start his self redemption lol

The uke tries to provoke the seme openly now, to get him to kill him. But the seme allows him to just hit him.

Later on the seme tells him that whatever he does its ok but just don't leave him because it will repeat again. (uke will rebirth with all his memories and suffer again)

The uke realises that the seme remembers and thinks that he's making a fool out of him

also this whole time the uke has this misconception that the seme just wants to hurt and torture the uke for fun (i wonder why -___-)


That's all I read so far, sorry that the summary is messy I just spilled what I remember and its so late my brain isnt working :")
2020-06-27 14:17 marked

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