WTF is this?
Ok that step dad had force sex with him at first but that young dude isn't minor, no struggle at all. It's more like oh you're gonna fuck me? ok go ahead.
He kept going back for that old trash to fuck him....nani de Fuck??? It's more like he's happy to get fucked by that trash. It's ok if he likes it but why the hell he went on and asked the taxi driver guy if he can fall in love with the dude. He's better sort his shit out with his old fucker before saying that to someone else. This type of brainless weak ass uke is just pissed me off.

Really doesn't seem like he wants to have sex with his step dad. It seems like he feels like he owes it to his step dad and that he is "responsible". It has come to some kind of normal for him so he seems to be in some sorts of trance because everyone just wants sex from him. The scene when he came back and the dad had cut himself by accident showed that. He didn't want to have any sexual situation so he pulled away his hand and in that moment the dad got mad and raped him. I think he feels "better" if he does it without being forced so it doesn't feel like "real" rape. The moment an older male figure accept him as he is without demanding sex but instead rejects it he just feel like someone cares about him and thus he loves him. Idk if it is real love or just a desperate way to survive

Yes it's right that he didn't want to have sex with that step dad but as the grown up himself, it pissed me off if he didn't want that but no fight, no struggle but went along with that old dude. From the drawing that showed the scenes, it's more like he was surprised but then get used to with it. It makes sense that you said he would like to pay back by allowing that old dude to do that to him. I agree how he feels for the taxi driver, someone's nice to him without demanding sex. We know it will be happy ending but also the big forgiving to that old dude.

It's not how abuse works and I really felt disgusted reading your comment tbh... It's like saying that woman who are beaten by their husband kinda consent to it when they can't get away from them or go back home. Sometimes it's fear, misplaced attachment, your views on love and relationships being twisted by years of abuse. Particularly
When it started when you were young cause you felt defenseless then and continue to feel that way even as an adult if you don't find a way or a support system to get you out of there

You have all the rights to feel and view your opinions regarding the manga. I would respectfully reply. Here I'm talking about the rape, sexual relationship between two people in this manga ONLY, not physical violence in women or minors or rape cases in reality. I never go that far talking about Women, minors, blackmail victims, imprisoned or deceived victims in reality. I'm talking about solely case in this manga, the grown up guy, university student who lives freely in society but choose to live that way and there were my comments without trying to be a good guy. The plot, or many people said he didn't want to get abandoned, then allow that thing to happen. If not, he would fight back by instinct of the victims of the rapists, that didn't want that or not knowing what's done to them as the minors. If once he fight back but out strength, the plot would be more understandable. This is not reality but fiction, even so it still needs to be convincing and making sense. My comments are regarding to this situation ONLY. I've witnessed and known many cases of the abusive victims enough to say it here. It happened with myself, my own family but I had enough and chose to get out of it. It's not easy but nothing like this fiction. Many people as the grown ups, have been through the same experiences but pick to be and deal with it differently. For women, most of them got tied with the abusers with complicate conditions and issue, having children, debt, mental problem, ignored by society thinking it's family issue that the outsiders should not get involved and left the victims and the abusers' hands. The laws and justice system that can't reach to help them or some countries don't care much about human rights. It's never been easy to get out of this! and there are more to the reality if we have to talk about it. These things are still going on esp. in the far villages, groups or society that rule and separate from the others, with people who have less opportunities in education, or chances in society. This is not the case in this MANGA at all and I wont try to put it in the same category. The saddest victims of rape and violence are the minors. They got manipulated, brain washed, threatened, distanced from society or imprisoned. These are more than enough that their cases will never come to light and have the chances of justice. The worst is the grown ups themselves covered up for the abusers and ignored the victims. This is not the case in the manga either! Again, the comments are about this manga at this point, regarding two men ONLY.

Hi! I'm glad you're one of those who manages to survive and get out of that situation, and I'm thankful for you to be able to do that. I actually understand why you got upset, you just want all victims of abuse to be able to stand up for themselves, and I want that too. However, I can also understand the MC of this manga. I don't think he did those things because he feared of being abandoned. What tied him to his stepfather is one of those things you mentioned, debt, not the monetary kind, and also familial love. The stepfather took him in when he was abandoned by his own mother, raised and loved him as if he was his own son. That caused him to love and respect him as a father until he was old enough that they couldn't be destroyed easily. And sometimes those feelings could be stronger than what you felt towards blood family because of gratefulness. Then his father, who was a renowned author, fell in a slump because of his similarity with his mother. It wasn't his fault, but he thought it was. He wanted him to get back on his feet and be successful again, that's why he stayed and do whatever he wanted because he didn't want his father to destroy himself. You've seen how crazy his father is just because he's touched by someone. He wanted to keep his father's career going, that's why he had sex with those people and got nervous when the driver overheard their abnormal conversation, afraid of it tarnishing his father's reputation. He's indeed a victim of rape and abuse, but I think the mindset he had towards sex is more of a prostitute. Some might like it, but there are ones who hate it yet keep doing that because they feel like they need to. Therefore, yes, he's indeed different from the people you're talking about. It's just my own take on this manga though

Thank you for taking your time on the comments and productive discussing on the manga. I know we're here to read manga, post the comments if like to and be able to discuss, sharing opinions with others respectfully. It's through internet but we're all real people in reality. Since most people get cooped up, like them,I spend time here more lately. But never once I would attack anyone personally. I don't know them, they don't know me, right? If someone get real hurt before, you don't want to hurt others, right? You're right, I was upset to see this kind of thing since when I experienced it when I was a kid. I am honest with my words and with this age, I have no intention to act as a good guy. Unless seeing the situation as it is, the problem won't get solved. The violence happened most in family and with people we know. That's why it's not easy for us just snapped and changed it. As little kid, got beaten up till your head got swollen, isn't something fun and expect it to happen to others. Like I said, it's the worst if it happened to the minors. At that time I couldn't fight, no strength, helpless and where else the kid can go, and can do. At the age of the guy in this manga, I don't pick to fight back or violence but escape from the situation that drag me to hell alive. I could say I am fortunate that my case wasn't involved rape but it influenced my whole life. At the certain point, I understand that unless I make my own choices, reaching out my hands first, nobody could help me and it's not their jobs. Even it's civilized country, even I have the rights and laws to protect me, but if I don't ask for it, fight for it, I won't get what I deserve and what I should have. Back to this manga, yes it's pure fiction that's quit illogical in my opinions. It's more like the author didn't do enough research to know or understand the nature of most victims of family assault. Well yaoi is also more like fantasy, since after the assault like that we don't seek to get someone involved in our case, but medication and mental therapy. The young guy in this manga, since he's able body, grown up university guy, and living freely in the society, it was illogical to me that he picked to do that. If the plot is lack of piece of reality and reasons of the character's behaviour, it couldn't be convincing. If the reasons he's stick with his step dad, and allowed himself to get raped without fighting back, out of the gratitude, then I doubt him in term of consent. If he didn't want it, just fight back!! That's what I was yelling. I helped out some friends from family violence few times, but after they got back together, I became the bad guy. Then as the grown ups with conscious mind, be clear about the consent, and what they really want. Some cases after divorced from bloody violence spouse, the victims can't be with normal person, but ended up with the same situation. Sad truth is some of the victims are more convenient to victimized themselves, living out of people's sympathy and comforting words but don't want real solution. I can't blame anything else, but mental issue, or something close to that. I said too much already and most didn't relate to the manga. Well, glad to have the exchange of discussions with you.

And I'm glad you're sharing your thoughts with me! Maybe you'll think this is just words, but I'm truly sorry you have to go through those things, and you're such a strong person it's amazing. I actually understand your frustration since I have a friend who kept going back to the person who has cheated and treated her badly over and over again. It's a pretty lame comparison, but the root is the same, that's they can't get out from the rotten loop and only get sucked deeper. It's a sad fact that not everyone can be as strong as you, but I hope you won't be too harsh on them. Our own mind can be the most dangerous thing for us, and once you're trapped in it, nothing but yourself can get you out. Some people don't have enough strength to break free and it destroys them. Maybe it's not that they're living out of people's sympathy and comforting words, instead they subconsciously seek support that might give them the strength they need, however the wall around their mind is already too thick to be penetrated. That also could be the reason why they can't follow through with the solution provided, not that they don't want it. Well, it's just my opinion, I could be wrong. What I mean is, they're already in negative state so it would be better to approach them with positivity in our mind. I don't know if it would help, but I think it's better than adding to their negativity.

The thing like cheating that closet to me happened with my own parents. One was the victim and one I would consider the predator. Sadly it becomes more common in some society. Sometimes I think if it's the choice they choose and be happy with it, then it wouldn't be the problem. When it comes to grown ups, with good conscious mind, it's more complicate and hard to say one is the victim or not. They are mature, having the rights to live and say what they want. The laws, outsiders can't just butt in without the clear investigation. When kids get assaulted, we would hear the cry, screaming or the helpless struggle. These are the clear signs of unwanted assaulting. The laws can reach out and help them right away, not every country does that but unlike the adults' cases. It's kind of you to see me strong but in fact I'm not. That's why I have to choose the safest or least problematic conditions in my life-if I could. Not to worry, in reality I am kind person indeed lol. I did help many people who had mental issue similar to me, doctor recommendation, some financial or shelter. I understand that each cases is different, that's why I recommended them the doctor. Like I said, if we don't state the real problem, issues we won't be able to solve anything. It's been years I've lived on kind words of others which I was so thankful for, but that won't solved the real problem. Like if the doctor said, someone has cancer, doesn't mean the doctor is mean. The disease itself is severe but all we need is honest conversations, not harsh ones of course. When people got assaulted, physically and verbally, not only it affected their bodies but also their mind. Even I could get away from the situation, I was still fall in deep depression and couldn't help myself without the medication and therapy. There are different cases and levels of how severe of depression. Mine wasn't be able to sleep, eat food, but water and some fruits. The moment before I reached out for help, there were only two choices in my head, live or die. If I let the situation went on, I could kill myself, long gone and forgotten like many people before me. These who we call violence and assaulted victims, nice words won't hurt them but that won't heal them either, esp mental issue. It's the medicine that would change the chemical in the brain and the ways of thinking. The real solution is diagnose each case and consider the cure. Through the healing process, it's not only carrots but sticks too, like wake up call. It's too much to expect people out of the field of this healing expertise to understand mental issue. It's not like their jobs to understand us either. The choices I choose to live and face less issues as possible in order to not fall into depression again, might make you see me as a strong person. Reality, living as the survival isn't easy, not only kind words towards us but mean ones too. This again I made my choice to get away from the old society, left the cause of my issue behind me. The past, the pain won't go away but I don't choose to make it rule my current life. It's like DVD, thinking about it is like playing it. This is too long again huh

You're strong, there's no denying it. What makes you strong is being able to pick a choice that's the best for you, not the hardest one. You don't let your pain rule you, that's strong. The fact that you're able to get through it, that's strong. You even try to help other people, thst's what makes you more amazing. True, it's hard to understand it when I don't experience it, that's why I can never truly understand. The only thing I can do is listening, hoping that letting it could make them feel better, even if it's just a tiny bit. That's why I'm happy you're sharing your thoughts with me, doesn't matter if it's long

Thank you again. My babble about myself is unnecessary here, but I'm glad talking to you. Also there are many kinds of mental issue, that we not specific doctors won't know or understand. Our good deeds, at least what we think, could kill the patience unintentionally. The best is to seek the mental doctors. It's understandable that they don't know or couldn't understand like we're from different world. Lastly, once I've been through this, the last line I got in my head is, I never want anyone to experience something like this. Too bad the real world doesn't work that way :)
Glad I didn't buy this manga
Thank you uploader san anyway!