A few years ago I had a serious addiction to reading books and novels. It felt like the only thing keeping me going. My family aren’t the best ppl.and friends weren’t rlly there for me cuz u kno i was weird to them. This addiction gradually went away cuz I was banned from reading them from my family. It came to the point when I wanted to die. T......
Oh, so my very FIRST one. My friend had recommended "Black Butler," and I was like, okay, what the heck, I don't really like mystery but I'll try it out. So I went on Mangago and searched it up, and there were like 10 suggestions that popped up so I clicked on one at random (I didn't understand the doujinshi thing and I thought they were like all t......
"your brother needs more attention" by my mom. First 'cause he was going to college and I was only in high school, then I entered college and he began his internship, then when I began mine he began doing 2 internship, and now he graduated and got a job even before he graduated and I am about to graduate and can't find a job (mostly because of the ......
I remember when I first came out that i was attracted to girls and so many of the straight girls in my class would ask me stupid questions like "out of all the girls who do you find attractive/who you want to have secc with" and then sometimes they would come up to me and be like "youre gay!!! omg i hope you arent attracted to me ugh" and i would j......
Honestly whenever I do like the bare minimum and my mom scolds me for not being like a girl and not cleaning my room or to like sit properly or what not (」°ロ°)」/ my dad says the same thing but like sometimes with “that is too short” When I wear a crop top or sum I get traditionally women were to be taught and held at a high standard b......
''Why do you cry so easy? You are very sensitive'' Bitch tf am i supposed to do. If i could hold my tears i would. And if you see that im crying. Like you can see the water falling from my red face don't ask ''aRe yOu crYiNg'' No bitch i'm imitating a fountain. TF DO I LOOK LIKE IM DOING. Better just ignore me than ask that dumbass question
I hate when my family talks about how useless I am. "You don't do anything all day" "When you get a job, you're gonna suck 'cause you can't do anything" "So fucking useless" "God, can't you be a little more grateful?" I do quite a bit for my family and yet it is never enough. I'm not allowed to complain or I'm being ungrateful. When I hear thin......
You're married to your 16th pic