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Panda November 28, 2023 4:24 pm

I think El made some kind of timeskip. He went from human to Elqueness and how the story developed till now. The El right now I’ll call „our El“. (My theory) So then there’s “future El” (future version of our El) who goes back in time (for some reason), disguises himself as a human with blonde hair and meets Trowel, Elrien (who’s still elqueness at that time), Sibelius (the unicorn) AND the demon god (all meeting in the past). After whatever “future El” has to do in the past is done, he returns to “the future”/his presences, our future. He makes everyone who met him in the past timeskip forget him, EXCEPT for Sibelius and the demon god. That’s why the “fake El” the demon god disguised himself as is actually a disguise of “future El” who went to the past. Which explains why “fake El/future(past) El” has the same personality as “our El”. The demon god probably disguised as “blonde/future El” in order to make Sibelius think “future El” was an illusion created by the demon god and not a time traveller. (Which makes me think the timeskip to the past has something to do with the demon god and demon king, and they probably need Sibelius for their plan against the demon king) The timeskip to the past is about 4000 years if I remember correctly, the time Sibelius has been trapped in that Amulet/headpiece Lapis owns, meaning lapis has probably met “future El” in the past too and forgotten about it. That’s also why Elrien/former Elqueness called “blonde El” his son according to Trowel. Now Trowel is starting to remember “future El” whose origins are unknown, but trowel can’t read “future/blonde El” because of the timeskip. “Our El” doesn’t know any of this yet because for him/us the timeskip to the past is still in the future.
So my point is that “our El”, “future El” and “blonde El” are the same person who just don’t share the same memories yet. Which is pretty plausible considering that Elemental Kings have a unique appearance, meaning no lookalikes.

Whew, sorry it’s pretty long and complicated.
If anyone has other ideas or clues, feel free to give your own theories! Or feedback

    fwopfwop December 3, 2023 1:49 am

    god why are you so smart

    Panda December 3, 2023 3:08 pm
    god why are you so smart fwopfwop

    I’m just bored sometimes^^

    fwopfwop December 3, 2023 3:23 pm

    i really hope ur theory is right tho. i cant handle anymore trauma for El he doesn't deserve to be keep reminding of his fragile self identity like this

    Panda December 3, 2023 3:26 pm
    i really hope ur theory is right tho. i cant handle anymore trauma for El he doesn't deserve to be keep reminding of his fragile self identity like this fwopfwop

    Me too, our El has been through so much, he doesn’t deserve more trauma TT

    Sunohara_Momose January 22, 2024 8:39 am

    I've read some spoilers from the novel and your theory can be said almost correct except idk if El really met demon god or not but El went back to the past cause he want to prevent something (a spoiler that I won't spoiled) and that's why he disguise himself as a human and meet with trowell cause trowel can help him and I guess otw he met Sibel. Btw trowel was the one that teach El how to used sword lol

Misaka December 30, 2020 3:30 am

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Panda's questions ( All 1 )

Panda August 31, 2023 12:35 am

I tried changing my pfp but somehow I can’t crop it anymore(or move the cropping lines). It’s really upsetting and I don’t know if it’s a bug or how to report it.
If anyone has an idea, I would really appreciate it!

    SweetCaramel August 31, 2023 12:47 am

    It happen to me before because I did it in desktop version(I can’t move the cropping line), and when I change to mobile version I can move the croppine line.

    Panda August 31, 2023 12:52 am
    It happen to me before because I did it in desktop version(I can’t move the cropping line), and when I change to mobile version I can move the croppine line. SweetCaramel

    It worked! Thank you so much for your help! :D

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