asa and denji got good chemistry and i love it. our boy needs a girl like asa
so turns out thats the end.
guess she goes on to become and idol to sing for him and tells him to wait a year
i want the divorce just so i can serena stand on her own foot without eisner and then him trying his best to get back with her once everything is settled and she plays hard to get
YES I KNEW IT! they are siblings! The blond man and anna
the purple haired boy shouldve been the ml. hes got a unique character design and has more chemistry with her imo
the dad is at fault for cheating, why is he saying that the son (ml) should have stayed by her side? thats the husband's job
not the young master trying to get the fl even after he assaulted her sister as her replacement.
both girls need to get away from him
OMG what if the handsome knight and the fl are half-siblings??? shes 20 and the noble that was blonde with blue eyes came 20 years ago.
plus, fl is blonde
According to cmoa,
Sakaki and Nishi end up together
"Sakaki, realizing his true feelings, confesses to Nishi. The two take a roundabout route, but their feelings finally come to fruition. Then winter comes, and the two continue to get along as well as ever. But Nishi seems to have some misgivings about being in a relationship...? They break up, they break up, and they fall in love. The final episode of the triangle story! [Includes #12 "Break Up, Break Up"]"
I was all for the girl winning....oh well