"Sakaki, realizing his true feelings, confesses to Nishi. The two take a roundabout route, but their feelings finally come to fruition. Then winter comes, and the two continue to get along as well as ever. But Nishi seems to have some misgivings about being in a relationship...? They break up, they break up, and they fall in love. The final episode of the triangle story! [Includes #12 "Break Up, Break Up"]"
According to cmoa,
Sakaki and Nishi end up together
"Sakaki, realizing his true feelings, confesses to Nishi. The two take a roundabout route, but their feelings finally come to fruition. Then winter comes, and the two continue to get along as well as ever. But Nishi seems to have some misgivings about being in a relationship...? They break up, they break up, and they fall in love. The final episode of the triangle story! [Includes #12 "Break Up, Break Up"]"
I was all for the girl winning....oh well
Ugh i don't like these kind of ending that guy is an asshole