
this is why she left you

Daydreaming Cat asked a question

Hello can anyone reccomend me anything good to read or watch with a female character/female lead that acts like Yotsuba from quintessential quintuplets? Shes my fave ongg shes so cute bro i need more characters that acts like her or is similar

Daydreaming Cat like the answer
Didn't question it and just went along with it because they know exactly how weird I are. They would not care, periodt. They know the shit I read and compared to most, this is tame. They also have as much sus images as I do n r as weird as I am. Also, don't question y I have this. Edit: Shit I just realised it was the wrong photo... that was the......
Daydreaming Cat created a topic of Seikei Cinderella

I understand how she feels but why does she have to "be prettier and be better" than the other rin (kaizuka) thats just mean because she did nothing wrong..

Daydreaming Cat answered question about question
Daydreaming Cat asked a question

It's a master x servant type? Where they were childhood besties and the seme is a butler/bodyguard and the uke is princely? He's like from a rich family and seme and ukes parents know each other well. IT HAD AMAZING ARTSTYLE like really pretty! It was also similar to this storyline
It's kind of smutty too?

Daydreaming Cat created a topic of Honey Trouble

professor cha is so hot omfg


vercion needs to die