he got internalized homophobia but like same before, I remember when I was uneducated about LGBTQ stuff because i was raised in a strict religious household always taught that same sex stuff was wrong and that it was sin so whenever I saw something related to the LGBTQ community I always made fun of it or i was mean to the person while in reality I was only doing it to supress the fact that I knew I liked the same sex. After a couple of months and months (2 yrs) I finnally accepted it and that I was infact a queer which my parents preached against. Taehwan may not have bad support from his parents but being made fun of for being gay/lesbian/bi/pan/nb/trans is a ascary thought that can cause someone to harvest internalized homophobia. For my actions from when I didnt know myself, I have apologized to the people and I am a person who donates to LGBTQ communitys and I also aid in people who want to change sex, this is a public confession ive made to many people in my life and I just wanted to let people know and ask for forgiveness from anyone who I hurt with my cruel and thoutless comments from when I was uneducated. I love you all
he literally r@aped red head when they were like in high school and im not about that life so ima drop this
Wait what, when did this happen? Lmao i remember nothing from this manga apparently
Wait what this really happened or you saw raws? When did they tell us about it?
in the next chapter youll see